China News Service, March 29: The Ministry of Culture and Tourism held a regular press conference for the first quarter of 2024 on the 29th. Wu Kefeng, deputy director of the Resource Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, revealed at the meeting that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will focus on improving the payment facilitation level of key tourist places and promote national 5A and 4A tourist attractions, national and provincial tourism vacations. District and national-level tourist and leisure blocks have all established the software and hardware facilities required to accept mobile payments, bank cards, cash, etc., making online and offline payments more convenient.

  Wu Kefeng said that the facilitation of tourist venues is an important part of enhancing tourist experience and improving the consumption environment, which mainly includes payment facilitation and admission facilitation. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism will focus on key points and implement comprehensive policies to actively promote the improvement of convenience levels in tourist attractions and other tourist places, better serve the needs of the elderly and inbound tourists in China, and help the recovery and revitalization of the tourism industry.

  In terms of optimizing the payment environment, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will focus on improving the facilitation level of payment in key tourist places, and promote the establishment of all national 5A and 4A tourist attractions, national and provincial tourist resorts, and national tourist leisure blocks to accept mobile payments. , bank cards, cash and other necessary software and hardware facilities to promote more convenient online and offline payments and build an inclusive and diverse payment environment. At the same time, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will actively work with relevant departments to promote the establishment of supporting foreign currency exchange service points in tourist resorts and national tourism and leisure districts with a large number of inbound tourists and dense consumer venues, or promote the provision of foreign currency cash at surrounding bank outlets. Exchange service to better meet the cash payment needs of inbound tourists.

  In terms of promoting the convenience of entering the park, efforts will be made through both online and offline channels to facilitate tourists to purchase tickets and enter the park, and comprehensively improve the tourist experience. In terms of offline ticket purchasing, we will promote the retention of manual windows in all tourist attractions and provide offline ticket purchasing services for the elderly and incoming tourists to meet the needs of tourists to the maximum extent. For offline ticket purchase, most scenic spots currently retain this window. In terms of online reservations, we will promote the optimization of reservation procedures for tourist attractions that implement online reservations and ticket purchases, and promote the provision of an English interface for online reservation procedures for key tourist attractions. Those who require real-name reservations must submit their foreign passports, foreign permanent residence ID cards, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan documents. Resident travel passes to and from the Mainland (Mainland) are included in the scope of recognized identity documents. Scenic spots with large reservation vacancies throughout the year do not implement reservations to reduce the collection of tourists' personal information as much as possible.

  Wu Kefeng said that at the same time, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will promote the improvement of multilingual signs and navigation facilities in key tourist sites and continuously improve the foreign language service level of service personnel. During the peak tourist season, the reception capacity of cultural and tourism venues will be improved through measures such as extending opening hours and increasing flexible supply.