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Natural gas storage in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Complete replacement of natural gas by hydrogen unlikely

Photo: Jens Büttner/dpa

Germany wants to largely move away from fossil fuels by 2045 - and that also has consequences for the current energy supply infrastructure.

The Federal Ministry of Economics expects the existing gas distribution network to be downsized.

“The phase-out of fossil natural gas must have been completed by then,” says the 23-page paper that the ministry published on its website.

“Gas distribution networks for the current natural gas supply will then no longer be needed in their current form and scope.”

According to the Climate Protection Act, Germany should become climate-neutral by 2045, meaning that it should not be able to emit more greenhouse gases or bind them again.

Among other things, it must be clarified in good time how further expansion of natural gas supply can be avoided and "under what conditions existing gas network connections may be disconnected and dismantled," says the paper.

Gas distribution networks primarily serve to supply natural gas for heat generation in households, industrial companies and other companies as well as local power plants, the paper continues.

"The extent to which these gas distribution networks will still be needed after 2045 will depend, among other things, on the extent to which they can and should be used to distribute hydrogen." This is possible through sometimes complex changes.

“Accordingly, it can be assumed that the length of the gas distribution networks will decrease significantly from the current 500,000 km.”

The ministry assumes that many customers will be supplied by heating networks or use electricity-powered heat pumps in the future.

It is said that a decentralized hydrogen supply to individual households currently appears unlikely.

The reason: high costs and a lack of hydrogen.

Business and industry would also have to replace natural gas with other energy sources.

It is crucial that “a continuous, affordable energy supply for end consumers” is guaranteed during the changeover.

If natural gas networks were shut down, connected customers would need sufficient advance notice.
