David Vigario Merida


Updated Monday, February 19, 2024-18:05

The 6F Platform, which was the first to organize the agrarian revolt in Spain two weeks ago using social networks to mobilize farmers and ranchers, continues to lose strength involved in controversies and internal crisis. If the figure of

Lola Guzmán

had fallen into disgrace for many for her insults and threats to the Police after the incidents that occurred in the vicinity of the Metropolitan stadium, now it has been the person who began carrying out the mobilizations with her,

Xaime da Pena

, who leaves the group.

The Galician lawyer, who served as spokesperson precisely after the controversy involving the former Vox supporter, has barely lasted a week in office. "The platform has become politicized," denounced Xaime da Pena, who has announced his "personal resignation", although he has clarified that this politicization is due to "external" issues and not the group itself.

Just a few days ago, in a video published on social networks, the lawyer assured that it was "a pride to represent this necessary and worthy cause." And he added: "Revolution of the primary sector on 6F!" while he announced a collection of signatures on the 'change.org' platform in favor of this movement.

Xaime da Pena is the person who paid for

the tarp that the 'Desokupa' group

placed in a building in Atocha in Madrid and also the defense lawyer of the person who rebuked the Minister of Transport,

Oscar Puente

, on the AVE. He and Guzmán, as legal advisor, have been the two visible faces of this movement since it was created days before the first big tractor rally, on February 6.

In fact, it referred to this lawyer's office all the farmers and ranchers who were having problems when being reported by the State Security Forces and Bodies in the first demonstrations and road blockades, which were carried out without due communication to the respective Government Delegations.

This being the case, This shift does not correspond "to internal logistics" but, in his opinion, has occurred from "the political sphere" and the media to recognize that there are farmers who do not feel "comfortable" organizing protests with said platform if it is It is politicized.

Da Pena has valued these two weeks of protests by farmers and ranchers as "positive" by achieving, in his opinion, that the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, has been forced to meet with agricultural organizations. to propose changes in agricultural policies. In any case, and as is the trend of this platform, the lawyer has criticized that "the Government's strategy is to leave farmers aside and have the associations at its side, which it will end up paying with subsidies and aid" and has proclaimed that Platform 6F has managed to mobilize at least 40,000 people: "The protests will continue." In fact, this group plans to join the Union of Unions call to demonstrate in Madrid in front of the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA).

For the moment, Platform 6F has not named a substitute as spokesperson, as Xaime da Pena himself has stressed.