Pablo Scarpellini Los Angeles

The Angels

Updated Monday, February 5, 2024-20:31

  • Motor Tesla recalls 2 million vehicles in the US to correct problems with their assisted driving

Elon Musk

's relationship

with drugs is not new. In 2018, the South African businessman and tycoon made it public and notorious by smoking marijuana while recording a podcast with comedian

Joe Rogan

. But the latest information published by The Wall Street Journal goes much further. It details how the CEO of


consumed ecstasy and LSD with company executives. His shares, heavily hit so far this year, fell up to 5% after the stock market opened on Monday in New York.

The article talks about the close relationship between Musk and some of the directors of his companies, with personal ties that represented enormous financial benefits for some of them. "The connections represent an extreme confusion of friendship and fortune and raise questions among shareholders about the independence of the board members charged with supervising the CEO," the newspaper explains.

The revelation coincides with a Delaware judge's decision to void Musk's multimillion-dollar compensation package totaling $55 billion. The judge considered that the members of the board of directors were influenced by his relationship with the CEO of the company and ruled in favor of a small investor after denouncing "excessive and unjustified enrichment."

Many of these members of the board of directors of Tesla and Space On the list is Oracle founder

Larry Ellison,

Antonio Gracias

, CEO of the investment firm Valor Equity Partners, and

Steve Jurvetson

, among others, a former Tesla executive investigated for drug use and a sex scandal whom Musk protected. so I could continue working for him. He is now part of the Space X leadership.

According to friends very close to Musk cited by the WSJ, Gracias used drugs regularly with the Tesla CEO and Oracle invited the South African to Hawaii to recover from the effects of narcotics.

Ira Ehrenpreis,

a friend of Musk for years, continues to head the committee that controls financial compensation for executives.

Tesla's current board of directors, made up of eight people, has earned about $650 million from the sale of shares, with the option of generating a billion more with the securities they still have in their possession.

To know more


The race for the cheap electric car: (almost) everyone against China

  • Editor: FÉLIX CEREZO Madrid

The race for the cheap electric car: (almost) everyone against China

None of this is going unnoticed on Wall Street.

In just over a month, Tesla has dropped 26% on the stock market

, not only due to Musk's alleged shady dealings but also due to the decrease in sales forecasts for 2024. The expectation of some analysts is that they will not overcome the barrier of the two million vehicles delivered despite the fact that in 2023 they were close, with 1.8 million units.

Also against the recent

recall of 2.2 million of its electric vehicles

"because the source on the warning light panel was too small to meet safety standards," US regulators noted on Friday. These are turbulent times for Tesla.