Margaux Fodéré // Photo credit: Mathieu Thomasset / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP 6:12 a.m., February 3, 2024

Commercial negotiations between distributors and manufacturers ended Wednesday evening at midnight. This year, they were brought forward by several weeks to try to bring prices down more quickly. After two years of inflation, will prices in supermarkets finally fall? 

Can consumers expect price drops on the shelves in the coming weeks after two years of inflation? Commercial negotiations between distributors and manufacturers ended Wednesday evening at midnight. And some products could be more accessible. 

“We are entering a phase of stability in food prices”

This is according to the Consumer Business Liaison Institute (ILEC). This would concern products made from cereals, wheat, poultry, palm oil and even certain varieties of coffee. But on the other hand, the products on the shelves, the majority in fact, could see their prices increase. And for Jean-Philippe André, the president of ANIA, the National Association of Agri-Food Industries, the general trend will not be downward. 


“I cut, I take the cheapest”: despite a drop in inflation, the French are tightening their belts

"Will the consumer see significant price reductions compared to the lowest they experienced compared to 2019? No! And I believe that, even if it doesn't make you happy, it is responsible for saying that it is no". According to him, we are once again entering a phase of "stability" in food prices: "We are entering a phase of stability in food prices. And obviously, there must not be international events that disrupt everything. That". 

If ANIA expects prices to stabilize, others are less optimistic. The Federation of Commerce and Distribution is instead banking on an increase in prices of around 2 to 3%.