Beijing, 10 Oct (ZXS) -- China's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced on 23 October that China's bumper grain harvest this year is a foregone conclusion, and the annual output is expected to hit a new record high. However, this year, China has frequent disasters during the flood season, and many places have suffered serious floods, so why can we still achieve a bumper grain harvest? Officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs responded to this.

At a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the same day, Pan Wenbo, director of the Department of Plantation Management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China, said that this year's partial floods in the northeast of North China and the northwest region have caused a decrease in grain production in the affected areas, and even the harvest of severely affected farmers has been lost, which is very sad. Under these circumstances, there are three main reasons why the national grain harvest can still be bumper.

First, the local disaster situation is serious, but the overall disaster situation in the whole country is relatively light. In early August, the flood disaster caused a decrease in grain production in Baoding, Langfang, Heilongjiang, Wuchang, Shangzhi and other grain production, and in late August, high temperature and little rain caused a decrease in production in the Hexi corridor in Gansu, and some townships, village groups, farmers and even grains were not harvested in some seriously affected townships, village groups, and farmers, but the impact on the whole country was limited.

Taking Heilongjiang's Wuchang as an example, Pan Wenbo said that about 130.2 million mu of floods in the local rice county have been affected by floods this year, accounting for half of the local rice area, which has a very great impact on the local area, but when viewed in the whole province and the whole country, it only accounts for 0 percent of Heilongjiang's rice area and 3.1 percent of the country's rice area, a relatively small proportion. According to agricultural dispatch, up to now, disasters such as drought, flood, hail, high temperature and heat damage, and low temperature and cold damage have caused a total of 45 million mu of crops in the country, more than 2850.5 million mu less than the same period last year, and 1 million mu less than the average of the past five years. This year is the milder year for agricultural disasters in recent years.

Second, floods are severe, but droughts are relatively light. Drought is the biggest disaster affecting China's grain production, accounting for 42% of the total affected area due to drought all year round. This year's disasters are mainly floods, accounting for about half of the affected area, and drought accounts for 30% of the entire affected area, which is significantly lower than the perennial average. And about 10 billion mu of China is rain-fed agriculture, and these places basically "rely on the sky for food". Years of experience in agricultural production have shown that years with heavy rainfall are relatively beneficial for food production.

Third, the production in areas that were not affected increased more, making up for the losses in the disaster-stricken areas. Pan Wenbo said that this year's light, temperature and water in areas that were not affected by the disaster are well matched, and it can be said that "the wind and rain are smooth", coupled with the implementation of technical measures for improving large-scale yields, the growth of crops in areas that are not affected by the disaster is significantly better than that of ordinary years, and the increase in yield is very obvious, effectively making up for the losses in the disaster-stricken areas.

He said that at present, the autumn harvest in the north is sweeping the end, and the late rice and late autumn crops in the south have not yet been harvested in a large area, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will guide all localities to schedule the equipment according to the crop maturity time, seize the time to harvest the sun, dry and dry in time, and ensure that the pellets are returned to the warehouse. (End)