Vox has lashed out at Mercadona for celebrating the eighth anniversary of its commitment to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), criticizing at the same time that the company chaired by Juan Roig "is dedicated to political campaigns" that, in the opinion of Santiago Abascal's party, threaten the Spanish countryside and industry.

In a message on social networks, collected by Europa Press, Vox has explained that "always" they have defended Spanish companies "when they were objects of extremist political attacks." However, the formation has expressed its surprise after Mercadona, in its opinion, "is dedicated to political campaigns" and "fly" the SDGs, which are "threatening our field, our industry and the progress of all Spaniards".

"We hope that they rectify this propaganda", have claimed those of Abascal, answering a publication of Mercadona in which they assure that they will continue working "to achieve a more sustainable future".

Since 2011 the company has been a partner of the United Nations Global Compact and works to respond to the Sustainable Development Goals.

As explained on its website, Mercadona has launched "different actions that help meet and promote most" of the SDGs. Among them, there is "the elimination of poverty, quality education, equality, the defense of the environment or the design of sustainable cities." "The company promotes responsible environmental, social and governance actions that have a positive impact on the environments in which it operates," he highlights.

  • Mercadona
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