Internet celebrity scene experience economy how to become popular for longer [Furnace brewing tea upgraded to furnace iced tea, new Internet celebrity consumption is moving towards scale]

Hearth 2.0 version - Iced tea was born, which is called "Little Fairy's Afternoon Tea" by consumers. The Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned that the number of related topics on Douyin exceeded 1500 million times in a short period of time, and a new Internet celebrity consumption is gradually scaled. And how long can such a new Internet celebrity who continues by the concept of surrounding the furnace and adds a new consumer experience become popular?

Iced tea around the hearth replaces the boiled tea around the hearth to turn red

In October last year, boiling tea around the stove entered the public eye as a novel way to drink tea. Unlike traditional tea houses, the emphasis is on the process of brewing tea. Three or five friends, sitting around the hearth, the combination of Chinese scenes and modern creativity has become an Internet celebrity destination for young people to relax and gather and take photos.

With the arrival of summer and the gradual rise in temperature, it is clear that brewing tea will not work. Iced tea was born, and related topics exceeded 1500 million views on Douyin in a short period of time. Some of the experience videos of "iced tea around the hearth" have even become drainage videos for some bloggers.

With a search index of 502.14 million, the oven iced tea tool once ranked first on Taobao's hot search list, an increase of 10% over last week, involving nearly <>,<> goods. A reporter from Beiqing News searched and found that before the height of summer, there were more than <> shops in Beijing containing iced tea projects around the hearth.

The hearth package has a limited time limit

The Beiqing News reporter searched and found that many stores that launched the stove iced tea service were still popular stores for cooking tea around the hearth, as the transformation of the stove brewing tea in summer, what kind of scene is the hearth iced tea?

As a consumer, the Beiqing News reporter went to a stove iced tea store to find out. Entering the store, calligraphy decoration covers bay windows, curtains, and seats, and the design of each table contains a wooden structure, supplemented by flowers and lotus leaves, and the floor is paved with a lawn-like "green space". The shop sells it in a set menu, including a peach oolong tea, Chinese dim sum, three-color balls, refreshment platter, sparkling water and seasonal fruits for 199 yuan, and the use time limit is two hours.

Unlike boiled tea in winter, the charcoal fire in the stove is replaced with ice cubes and dry ice, and when water is added, the mist can be diffused, and the atmosphere is full. In addition, most of the utensils used in the shop are glass and ceramics.

The Beiqing News reporter noticed that this consumption level and scene arrangement are intermediate levels among Beijing's hearth iced tea merchants. At present, the per capita consumption of each store's iced tea project is generally between 100 yuan and 300 yuan, and there is a certain time limit, and some merchants will charge overtime fees if it is overtime. Some businesses also require customers to book in advance to have a spot.


What is the situation of the experience economy in Internet celebrity scenes such as iced tea around the hearth?

Most of the hashtags on short video platforms are associated with city names across the country, such as "Shantou Iced Tea" and "Hefei Iced Tea", which shows that it has appeared in many places.

What are the consumer groups of iced tea around the hearth

In the interview, the Beiqing News reporter found that many groups who came to experience iced tea around the furnace had a certain intersection with the groups who participated in making tea around the stove last year. Young female customers dominate the pack.

Looking at the "planting" of iced tea around the stove on some social media, it is not difficult to find that most of the groups who consume and want to consume like a sense of ritual, have a certain love for traditional Chinese culture, and like to "dry life" female customers, especially female college students and female white-collar workers.

Chen Hong, the person in charge of the Beiqing News reporter's experience store, said that most of the consumer groups in their store are young people who like experience, and new customers account for 70% to 80%. In addition to young customers, there are also business people from nearby office buildings.

Many netizens believe that iced tea around the stove is a new expression of traditional tea culture, and some shops even "replicate" some classic film and television dramas and classic masterpieces that have been mentioned in dim sum and tea-drinking rituals. Some netizens specially wore Hanfu to check in around the stove for iced tea, and some even came to a trip to have a more perfect experience.

The purpose is to send a circle of friends or an experience

"Drying" has become a topic that many Internet celebrities cannot avoid at present, so what about iced tea around the hearth?

"Of course, I want to take beautiful photos and send them to my circle of friends." When asked why he consumed iced tea around the hearth, a junior replied. She told the Beiqing News reporter that these hearth iced tea shops have a strong sense of atmosphere, and some also have exquisite Chinese retro tableware and beautiful environment, and they can feel it in Hanfu, and then "send a circle", and it is enough to attract her to consume by gaining the envy of friends.

On some social platforms, many netizens go to experience it in order to take photos and check in, and words such as "film", "aesthetic", "slow life" and "new Chinese style" have become high-frequency words that appear in sharing notes and videos.

Not only that, as a continuation of the tea house culture, the iced tea around the stove also allows many customers to find the leisure of slow life in fast-paced work. Mr. Zhang, a customer, said that when he came alone, sitting in the store seemed to be far away from the city, and time slowed down. Sometimes when talking to customers, they choose a location with a better atmosphere, "it can be easier to chat".

It can be seen that whether it is brewed tea or iced tea, the explosion of the hearth is closely related to the suitability of young people's social scenes.

In fact, creating a more ceremonial process and scene-based place for daily consumption and goods has become the "traffic password" of some businesses. For many young consumers, the experiential scene itself is the main motivator to stimulate their consumption, even for the same goods, they are more willing to pay an additional premium for the scene.

How similar business models go further

However, it is still controversial how far the business model of paying for the scene can go, whether it is a flash in the pan or creates new demand. Although there are examples of explosions that have gone to this day, there are also cases where a gust of wind has passed and ended.

Taking the merchant of the furnace category as an example, it has a low entry threshold, only needs to arrange a beautiful scene, and the rest of the goods are reliably purchased to achieve. In addition, poor taste and low cost performance of snacks are the main problems reported by consumers around the stove.

The ritual sense business often falls into the "fast at the top, fast at the bottom" model, after all, the reason why tea brewed around the stove can quickly become popular is not unrelated to the young people's check-in culture, but this also means that the check-in is easy to buy back and difficult. The store owner interviewed by the Beiqing News reporter also said that most of the current customers who repurchase are mainly nearby business people, and the repurchase rate is about 20%.

In addition, there is basically no technical threshold for businesses such as furnaces, which means that this business model is easy to be quickly copied, businesses will rush to the horse, and the industry will quickly become a red sea.

In the eyes of the catering industry, the business model of furnace stores is difficult to get through. "Catering looks at turnover rates, even in coffee shops. However, the stores around the stove focus on killing time, which is contrary to the profit model of the catering category. "If you compare with the previous tea house, it is difficult for the stove store that is dominated by young consumers to solve the problems of customer stickiness and commodity scarcity.

An investigation by a reporter from Beiqing News found that there is a gap between the actual experience and the inner expectation of scene experiential consumption in many cases. Therefore, if the scene experience consumption can only meet the needs of consumers to "dry", it can only be "coming and going quickly", how to rely on scene drainage and build a more complete consumption chain is something that businesses must consider.

Some analysts believe that the consumer industry is to innovate and iterate. It is normal to have twists and turns in the process of innovation. Businesses rely on their own characteristics to "rub hot spots", and eventually a new trend will become a new format in the continuous market test.

This group of text/reporter Zhang Xin intern Yang Xinyu

Co-ordinator/Yu Meiying