Urumqi, 4 April (ZXS) -- Topic: Xinjiang Corps: Small courtyards become "cornucopias" and "men and women weaving" show a new look

Written by Shi Yujiang Sun Tianhu

On March 3, in the fourth company of the 31st Regiment of the Third Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (hereinafter referred to as the Xinjiang Corps), 32-year-old Miliku Abra planted the "hope" for the New Year, vegetable seedlings, with her husband Mulafang Toheti in their front yard.

Inside the large fence, rows of green vegetable seedlings come into view, and the couple are loading the soil into petri dishes, releasing seedlings and compacting. It didn't take long for rows of pepper and tomato seedlings to be planted.

In mid-March, the company's cadres helped Miligu Abra and his wife build an arch shed in the courtyard, "We can't miss the best time for transplanting and planting vegetable seedlings, so that we can not only ensure that the family of five eat vegetables all year round, but also earn 'extra money'." The "one acre and three points of land" in the courtyard has become the family's "income increase garden".

"Now cultivate the vegetable seedlings, and someone will come to harvest them in a few days." Mirigu Abra said that in recent years, the company has organized people to train in planting techniques, and the survival rate of vegetable seedlings planted is very high. In winter, coriander and lettuce are mainly grown, and in spring, peppers and tomatoes are mainly grown, and an arched shed has income in all seasons.

Mirigu Abra said that in the past two years, the company has helped build arches and other facilities in various courtyards, guiding people to grow different vegetables in different seasons. "This income is about 1,<> yuan (RMB, the same below)."

In recent years, many places in southern Xinjiang have adopted the "intensive" seedling breeding method to develop a new "courtyard economy" model and gradually achieve full coverage of rural vegetable seedling demand. Through the policy assistance and technical guidance of the local government, the people have the confidence to "sell good seedlings".

"There are also apples, grapes, apricots and other fruit trees in the front yard, and sheep and chickens in the backyard." Mirigu Abra told reporters that the people in the company basically did not have to spend money on food throughout the year.

Continuing to walk deep into the courtyard, the reporter heard the rumbling of machines, and it turned out that there were two hossing workshops in the courtyard. The 60-square-meter interior is a small factory, where several women perform their duties, turning socks, sewing heads, and styling, like a small production line with an orderly division of labor.

"In 2020, with the support of the company, I cooperated with a textile company in Tumshuk City to build a 120-square-meter 'family workshop'." According to Miriku Abula, 11 housewives in the surrounding area can now be employed.

"You don't have to go far to work outside, you can earn money in your own yard, earning about 3000,<> yuan a month." Mirigu Abra said she has three children, the eldest daughter is in the fifth grade and the other two are in the fourth grade, working while taking care of the home and children.

Wang Yang, the relevant person in charge of the textile enterprise, introduced that the "family workshop" is to choose some vacant houses in the company to build a "family workshop" through the form of cooperation, and nearby residents can go to the workshop to find employment; Or set up the workshop in the residents' home, family members manage by themselves, and the working hours are self-determined.

The advantages of the local development of the new courtyard economy of "greenhouse planting + family workshop" are flexible operation and low investment. Today, in some courtyards of more than the 51st Regiment, the structure of "family workshops", "planting areas" and "breeding areas" is optimized, and the courtyards with complete elements not only improve the quality of life of the people, but also create conditions for family production and business activities.

The reporter of the China News Agency learned that "family workshops" are widespread in southern Xinjiang and are constantly growing. At present, it has spread to 10 regimental fields and 25 companies in Tumshuk City of the Third Division, and the main participants are local women, including some women with leg and foot difficulties, and the average annual income has increased by about 3,<> yuan.

In recent years, some divisions and regiments in the southern part of the XPCC have actively explored a win-win cooperation model between enterprises and family members, which not only reduced costs for local enterprises, but also opened up new ways for grassroots people to increase income and effectively promoted rural revitalization. (End)