China News Network, March 3 (Zhongxin Financial Reporter Xie Yiguan) On March 28, the China Consumers Association released the "Research on Excessive Packaging of Commodities and Consumer Perception Survey Report". The report shows that 3.28% of consumers oppose excessive packaging. At the same time, there are many blind spots in consumers' cognition of excessive packaging of goods.

The survey shows that in terms of the current situation of excessive packaging of goods, 51.4% of consumers perceive that excessive packaging is more, 34.3% of consumers believe that they have bought suspected excessive packaging goods, and 71.3% of consumers who think that they have bought suspected excessive packaging goods feel deceived, indicating that excessive packaging is deceptive, misleading consumption behavior, and seriously infringing on consumers' right to know. 43.5% said that they "knew that it was excessive packaging, but they still chose to buy without choice", indicating that excessive packaging forced consumers to pay unnecessary packaging costs, which violated consumers' right to choose and fair trade in a certain sense.

The report mentioned that in the impression of consumers, suspected over-packaging problems are more concentrated in channels such as large supermarkets and brand e-commerce, and the proportion of suspected over-packaging problems in luxury goods, mooncakes, health products, packaged tea and cosmetics is higher. The data shows that although consumers have a strong awareness of deceptive over-packaging and rights protection, the actual rights protection action is weak, and only 14.7% of consumers who buy suspected over-packaged goods have complained about rights protection, and 69.5% of consumers who complained about rights protection expressed satisfaction with the rights protection process and results.

In terms of consumers' cognitive blind spots related to excessive packaging, although 82.6% of consumers have heard of excessive packaging, 66.0% of consumers do not know the correct definition of excessive packaging, and 92.2% of consumers are not familiar with the criteria for excessive packaging. Consumers mainly rely on personal feelings to determine whether goods are over-packaged, and whether they are "deceptive packaging" and "luxurious packaging" are the most used methods; The calculation of packaging void rate in national standards is too professional for ordinary consumers, and it is difficult for consumers to distinguish excessive packaging by themselves and it is easy to misjudge.

In terms of consumers' attitudes and reasons for excessive packaging of goods, the survey found that 80.7% of consumers have a "majority opposition" attitude towards excessive packaging of goods, and consumers are more disgusted with excessive packaging of goods, believing that it will "promote luxury and bad consumption atmosphere, causing environmental pollution, waste of resources and other hazards"; 64.1% of consumers believe that excessive packaging of goods is acceptable under specific circumstances, such as some consumers can accept excessive packaging of "practical value", "luxury goods, goods that really need to be protected", and "some gift-giving occasions".

In addition, consumers are concerned about the control of excessive packaging of food, tea, edible agricultural products, electronic products, toys and other products; For the design of packaging, consumers believe that opening a "skylight" (with transparent display function) or expanding the scope of "skylight" for packaging such as edible agricultural products is more conducive to consumers' intuitive judgment and choice.

In terms of the perceived effect of excessive packaging of goods, the survey results show that consumers have a high degree of recognition and expectation for the national level to control excessive packaging. With the implementation of the requirements for mooncake packaging in the national standard No. 1 of the "Requirements for Limiting Excessive Packaging of Goods Food and Cosmetics" from August 2022, 8, 15.54% of consumers believe that mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival in 9 are "reasonably priced", and 2022.41% of consumers believe that mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival in 0 are "not over-packaged"; For the excessive packaging control of other foods and cosmetics, the effect can only be clearly seen after the implementation of the national standard "Requirements for Limiting Excessive Packaging of Goods Food and Cosmetics" on September 2022, 2023, and the overall evaluation of the effect of excessive packaging by consumers is not too high. (End)

