Beijing, March 3 (Zhongxin Financial Reporter Zuo Yukun) "The business environment is a concentrated response to the relationship between the government and the market, and it is a microcosm of a country's governance system and governance capabilities. At the 25 annual meeting of the China Development High-Level Forum on March 3, Xiao Yun, a first-level inspector of the Registration Bureau of the State Administration for Market Regulation, said.

As of the end of February 2023, China's market entities have reached 2 million, which not only stabilizes the foundation of the economic fundamentals, but also provides a steady stream of impetus for high-quality economic development. How to create a better business environment for this fast-growing large group?

Xiao Yun pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, focusing on the difficult pain points of business and entrepreneurship of the people, the market supervision department has successively implemented a series of reforms in the field of registration to promote fundamental changes in the market access system; Actively promote the reform of enterprise-related license matters, and promote "simplification" with "reducing certificates", effectively reducing the institutional transaction costs of enterprises entering the market, greatly stimulating market vitality, and promoting entrepreneurship and employment and improving people's livelihood.

Next, to continue to increase efforts to create a better business environment, we need to start from three aspects.

The first is to build a unified national market and create a more market-oriented business environment. Fully stimulate the vitality of all kinds of market entities, further improve the access and operation system system that is simple and efficient, fair and transparent, and lenient and strictly managed, deepen the reform of "separation of licenses and licenses", increase the "reduction of certificates after licenses" and simplify examination and approval, minimize interference in the microeconomy, and ensure that the decisive role of the market in allocating resources is fully played.

At the same time, we will further standardize enterprise-related fees, effectively strengthen the governance of market order, reduce the institutional transaction costs of market entities, and boost market confidence. Efforts should be made to strengthen the basic position of fair competition policies, strengthen anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition, strive to clean up and abolish regulations and practices that hinder a unified market and fair competition, such as local protection, market segmentation, and designated transactions, break through key blocking points that restrict economic circulation, and promote the smooth flow of commodity factor resources on a larger scale.

The second is to accelerate the improvement of unified market supervision system rules and create a business environment based on the rule of law. The market supervision department will promote rule of law supervision, credit supervision and smart supervision in an integrated manner, take the rule of law as the foundation, credit as the foundation, and wisdom as the means, continuously improve the level of market supervision modernization, and provide strong support for creating a business environment based on the rule of law.

It is also necessary to comprehensively improve the ability to supervise according to law, legally and institutionally support the requirements for all types of market entities to participate in market competition on an equal footing, accelerate the standardization and standardization of market access, compliance guidelines, and regulatory law enforcement, fully incorporate administrative actions into the track of the rule of law, continuously improve the ability to use rule of law thinking and methods to promote development, solve problems, and prevent risks, and support the construction of a business environment with perfect legislation and strict law enforcement. Build a market supervision system that is compatible with the modern market economy.

The third is to connect with the rules of the international system and build a more international business environment. The market supervision department will further benchmark against international first-class standards and international common rules, further optimize the development environment of various market entities, accelerate the construction of a more mature and stereotyped national unified market entity registration management system, continue to optimize market access for foreign-funded enterprises, promote the online handling of the whole process of foreign-funded enterprise registration business, and actively serve high-level opening up to the outside world.

At the same time, we will actively participate in the World Bank's business environment assessment, face up to the shortcomings and weaknesses we face, especially the gap with the international frontier, take the needs of enterprises as the first demand and the feelings of enterprises as the first feeling, continue to do a good job in benchmarking against international first-class standards, and do a good job in optimizing the reform of the business environment. (End)