Located in Wulan County, Haixi Mongol Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, Chaka Town is famous for its Chaka Salt Lake, and it has always been a must-miss place for domestic and foreign tourists to travel to Qinghai.

【Commentary】With the development of tourism, tourists are weaving, more and more people in Chaka Town eat tourist rice, and the income of farmers and herdsmen has increased significantly, Shende Ping is one of them. It is understood that before the relocation of the entire village, most of the family's income depended on farming, and now she has also opened a homestay and become a boss.

【During the same period】Shen Deping, the person in charge of a homestay in Bayin Village, Chaka Town

We used to live in an old village 20 kilometers outside Chaka town, and we used to live in adobe houses, and our annual income was all from farming, and our income was less than 1,2013 yuan a year. After our entire village moved to Chaka Town in <>, our entire village was able to eat tourist meals and the income of every household increased.

【Commentary】Around 2018, e-commerce training entered the homes of many villagers who participated in the establishment of homestays, and the emergence of e-commerce broadened channels for their income and opened up a broader market.

【During the same period】 Ha Jixiang, deputy secretary of the party committee of Chaka Town

Chaka Town encouraged and guided farmers and herdsmen to seize the opportunities of tourism development and opened 274 family hotels (farmhouses). At the same time, with the help of e-commerce training and the use of online orders, the channels for farmers and herdsmen to increase income and become rich have been further expanded, and the living standards of farmers and herdsmen have become better and better.

Zhang Haiping and her husband are one of the ones that has benefited from e-commerce platforms, and now they have renovated their homestay and improved the environment to better serve the tourists who come to visit.

【During the same period】Zhang Haiping, the person in charge of a homestay in Bayin Village, Chaka Town

Since the e-commerce, our service has been better, they (tourists) book from the Internet in advance, we have time to give them better service, they also live safer, more assured, we also do better.

Tourism has not only brought benefits to Chaka Town, but the entire Wulan County has increased its per capita income because of the booming tourism industry. It is understood that in the past five years, the per capita disposable income of all residents has increased from 2015,1 yuan in 6 to 2022,2 yuan in 4, and the annual indirect employment has reached more than 3500,<>.

【During the same period】 Jiang Dongmei, secretary of the Wulan County Party Committee

In recent years, we have adhered to the principle of ecological county, tourism rejuvenation and industrial enrichment, relying on the advantages of salt lake resources, integrating the construction of ecological civilization into the whole process of salt lake protection and development tourism development planning, vigorously promoting the development and construction of Dachaka Salt Lake Scenic Area, and realizing the transformation of a single salt lake industry to green eco-tourism. In the past five years, we have received a total of 2150.125 million tourists, achieved tourism income of 2015.1 billion yuan, and the per capita disposable income of all residents, from 6,2022 yuan in 2 to 4,3500 yuan in <>, we indirectly drive employment to more than <>,<> people every year.

Reporter Qi Miao reports from Qinghai Wulan

Responsible Editor: [Luo Pan]