Barthélémy Philippe, edited by Gauthier Delomez 06:19, March 04, 2023

In the Senate, the right-wing majority is in favor of the creation of a senior CDI, which would be aimed at unemployed people aged 60 and over.

But what is it exactly?

Europe 1 takes stock with Senator LR René-Paul Savary, the author of the amendment on the subject.

Right-wing senators are pushing for the creation of a senior CDI.

Adopted by the Social Affairs Committee, the dedicated amendment must be examined this weekend in the Senate, as part of the pension reform bill.

In reality, this CDI seniors is aimed at unemployed people aged 60 and over.

Companies would be encouraged to hire them for an end-of-career assignment.

"It's like a construction CDI", explains René-Paul Savary, the author of the amendment, at the microphone of Europe 1.

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Exemption from family contributions

"When you build a college, for example, you know it will last five, six, seven or nine years sometimes, and as a result, you sign a contract with people for the duration of a construction site. That's the time of the end of the career which must be taken into account", he explains.

The senator, member of the Republicans, adds that "as a result, the employer undertakes to keep his employee until he can retire at full rate. In return, he benefits from an exemption from family contributions ."

According to the Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal, such a measure would cost 800 million euros.

The government, which has already multiplied financial concessions since the start of the review of the reform in Parliament, is therefore opposed to it.