Noa Moussa 06:15, February 09, 2023, modified at 06:16, February 09, 2023

Made in France is a hit abroad, particularly with cosmetics.

Their exports jumped 20% to approach 20 billion euros in 2022. Perfume, mascara and lipstick, symbols of French chic, are on the rise abroad.

Lipstick, a luxury product abroad.

Exports of this product made in France increased by nearly 10% between 2019 and 2022. Among the countries most fond of this object, we find the United States, Dubai, Singapore, South Korea and especially China.

The latter represents a quarter of the profits derived from the export of Made in France lipstick, or 200 million euros.


End of the compulsory wearing of masks: lipstick sales soar

Red, a symbol of beauty in China 

The phenomenon is partly explained by the meaning of red in Chinese culture, synonymous with happiness, beauty and good fortune.

But there is also the French influence which plays, according to Emmanuel Guichard, general delegate of the FEBEA, the union of cosmetic companies.

"It remains an accessible luxury product which allows the Chinese consumer to have an image of modernity, of an independent woman", he explained to the microphone of Europe 1. "In addition, the French lipstick will with the image of France, which in China is associated with love and romance," he added.

Among the brands that have the most success, we find the essentials Chanel, Dior and Yves Saint Laurent.

With the end of confinement in China, 2023 is looking very promising for these brands.