The world market for electric cars is becoming more dynamic than previously predicted.

By 2030, their production could be another 70 percent higher.

This has drastic consequences for German manufacturers.

They may then no longer be among the pioneers of the market for e-cars, but will have to make an effort to be able to grow in this market.

Because the supply of raw materials could become scarce.

The bottlenecks would probably not affect everyone: while Chinese manufacturers, for example, could rely on domestic deposits and Chinese supply contracts with Africa, German manufacturers would at least have to pay more for the same raw materials.

In 2030, it is no longer a matter of course that two-thirds of German car buyers (can) buy high-quality products from German companies or brands.

The goal for 2030 of 15 million e-cars on German roads has not yet been said as to who will deliver these cars.

The federal government is trying to lay the foundations for the electric car.

But the world market says: Everything has to go much faster.