• There are two schemes for the tariff shield: one for gas and one for electricity.

    We detail all the terms of these two devices

The question of the price of gas and electricity is a subject of concern to many French people.

Europe and France are facing tensions on the energy market, especially since the war in Ukraine.

Faced with the unprecedented increase in prices, the French government has set up an aid scheme to support the French in the face of soaring energy prices.

We present you all its modalities.

What is it about ?

When we talk about a price shield, it is actually a price blocking, which applies to electricity and natural gas, and operates separately for these two energies.

This aid intervenes to limit the impact on your heating bills, since November 1, 2021.

The government has already announced that the tariff shield will be renewed in 2023, with different conditions.

How does the price shield for gas work?

Since November 1, 2022, the price shield has been introduced to block natural gas prices.

This aid concerns the regulated gas tariff for customers of the GRDF supplier.

In the 5% of the territory concerned by the ELD (Local Distribution Company), customers can also benefit from the price freeze mechanism.

Thus, if your natural gas contract has prices indexed to the regulated tariff, you are well protected by the tariff shield.

Regarding other contracts, we recommend that you contact your supplier to assess the application of the device.

From January 1, 2023, the increase in natural gas prices will be limited to 15%.

Without the establishment of this tariff shield, it would be much greater.

Who benefits from the gas tariff shield?

The gas tariff shield benefits natural persons who meet these 2 criteria:

  • They live in collective housing equipped with a gas heating system (collective boiler or connection to a heating network).

  • The price of the gas needed for heating is higher than the price set by the public authorities in the decree concerned by the system.

The aid system has now been opened to condominiums which are collectively heated by gas and which meet the same conditions as for individuals.

It is then up to the syndicate to launch the administrative procedures, specifying the share of each lot within the co-ownership.

How does the price shield for electricity work?

Until February 1, 2023, the average electricity tariff consisted of an increase of 4% including tax on average.

This tariff shield concerns the regulated tariff, offered by EDF on around 95% of French territory, or not by ELDs on the remaining 5% of the territory.

If your supplier indexes its prices to the regulated tariff, then you are also affected by the measure.

For contracts without a regulated tariff, we recommend that you contact your supplier to check your eligibility for the device.

The tariff shield rate for electricity will increase to 15% from February 1, 2023.

As with gas, the increase in electricity prices would have been much greater without this protection offered by the State: around +45% in 2022.

Who benefits from the electricity tariff shield?

Eligibility conditions have changed since the launch of the system.

At first, the tariff shield was only available to individuals with a contract at the tariff regulated by EDF.

Today, it has expanded to condominiums, as for gas, and VSEs.

For VSEs, the conditions are to have a maximum of 10 employees, less than 2 million turnover and an electrical power of less than 36 kVA.

From 2023, electric vehicle charging stations will also be affected by the system, in order to support the transition to electric cars.

How to benefit from the tariff shield?

If your electricity or gas contract is indexed to regulated tariffs, government assistance will be visible on your energy bills.

It will be applied directly to the source and will not require you to take any particular steps.

In the case of condominiums, a file must be filed by the syndicate.

Find the whole process on the website of the Ministry of Energy Transition.

A comparator service has been set up by the State, you can simulate your situation and obtain an estimate of your eligibility here.


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  • Economy

  • Energy

  • Regulated tariffs

  • Electricity price

  • Gas price