The Fair Trade Commission held a small meeting today (10th) and discussed whether to accuse the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions' Public Transportation Union's Cargo Solidarity Headquarters to the prosecution for obstructing the investigation, but could not come to a conclusion.

In order to apply the charge of obstruction of the investigation, the premise that the cargo union is a business organization must be established, and it is said that the members of the deliberation committee decided that this should be further considered at the plenary meeting.

The Fair Trade Commission said, "As a result of the deliberation at the sub-meeting, it was decided that a plenary meeting was necessary, and we decided to submit the agenda to the plenary meeting."

Fair Trade Commission meetings are divided into plenary meetings and sub-meetings, and plenary meetings usually deal with complex cases with large ripple effects.

The Fair Trade Commission has the authority to investigate businesses or business groups, but the Cargo Solidarity is in a position that the Fair Trade Commission investigation itself is unfair because it is a labor union, not a business group.

Earlier, in December of last year, the Fair Trade Commission tried to conduct on-site investigations, such as the cargo union's headquarters, on three occasions to investigate whether the cargo union was forcing them to join the strike or obstructing transportation during the general strike, but the cargo union failed to respond.

(Photo = Provided by Yonhap News TV, Yonhap News)