“The Bank of Russia and the government of the Russian Federation will work out the possibility of issuing long-term federal loan bonds without intermediate coupon payments to form long-term savings for citizens,” RBC quotes the financial market development strategy until 2030, approved by the government at the end of December.

As the newspaper writes, it is assumed that the securities will become part of the long-term savings program, which is being prepared by the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank, and it will be possible to place pension savings in them, among other things.

Earlier, financial consultant, analyst, founder of the Invest Era project Artyom Nikolaev, in an interview with PolitExpert, spoke about the features of investment tools.

Oksana Karpenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences and Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR), said that in the face of inflation, bonds with inflation protection - OFZ IN have become a very interesting investment tool.