The French are rather homebodies when it comes to banking!

While banking mobility was facilitated by a 2017 law, a recent survey carried out by Panorabanques and Poll & Roll estimates that only 4% of users have taken advantage of this opportunity to change establishment in 2021. Taking out a loan real estate is then a key event to move the lines through the domiciliation of your income…

Resource capture

Rather than putting all their money in one basket, individuals tend to multiply accounts in different banks, even if it means funding some of them at a minimum.

According to this survey, more than 40% of those questioned are indeed multi-banked.

A practice which obviously represents no interest for the establishments of the sector.

The challenge is then to become your main contact in order to capture a maximum of revenue.

And that's the whole point of direct debiting your income!

By encouraging you to pay your salary into its lap, the bank gives itself a good chance of keeping you as a customer for a very long time and of being able to offer you a wide range of other products that will make your money work and bring in big profits. .

However, it is often at the time of taking out a mortgage that everything is decided since the transfer of your income is an integral part of the commercial negotiation of your loan.

A matter of negotiation

From a legal point of view, bank domiciliation is not compulsory.

After a brief attempt at regulation in 2018 which caused more harm than good, the Pacte law of May 22, 2019 repealed all the provisions in this area.

Therefore, it is forbidden for a bank to condition the granting of the loan to the repatriation of your remuneration and, above all, to write it black and white in its offer.

To encourage you to join the establishment, the bank adviser can on the other hand offer you interesting counterparties such as a reduction in the administration fees, a free bank card or, why not, a gesture on the interest rate.

But the economic context still needs to be conducive to this negotiation...

In recent years, low interest rates did not really require obtaining an additional discount.

That said, to distinguish themselves and make profitable the real estate loans granted, the establishments were rather inclined to grant some advantages to the borrowers.

But since the start of the 2022 school year, the situation has been reversed.

An unfavorable context

Even good profiles today have difficulty obtaining a mortgage.

Between the express rise in interest rates and the reluctance of banks to grant unprofitable loans, commercial negotiation is no longer appropriate!

While establishments are today refusing a large number of files for a yes or a no, the domiciliation of income is becoming a sine qua non (but still implicit) condition for obtaining the long-awaited financing.


Moreover, repatriating your remuneration alone is not always enough!

As several brokers have told us, borrowers must also be ready to move their savings, passbook A in mind, and even to take out home insurance within the bank to maximize their chances of obtaining a loan offer.


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Play the game…for a while

If, like many borrowers, you don't care about changing your main bank, this transaction will not cause you any problems.

That said, if you've ever been able to take advantage of online banks' lack of service and credit card fees, reverting to the onerous rates of traditional agencies may frustrate you.

Unfortunately, the banking mobility system does not apply to loans, whether real estate or consumer.

You can therefore not so easily close the account on which the monthly repayments are paid.

On the other hand, once the loan has been obtained, you can limit the costs by terminating the CB subscribed to prefer a free version on an online account that you will fund to make your daily purchases.

Remember that the average cost of a classic bank card is 30 to 50 € per year but it can climb up to 300 € per year for high-end models.

  • Bank

  • Tips

  • Loan

  • Inflation