Never waste a good crisis.

The principle attributed to the British wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill is currently proving its worth in trade policy.

The agreement that the European Union agreed on with Canada six years ago has drawn hostility from many quarters, not least from the Greens in this country.

Behind this is a misunderstanding of the beneficial effects of free trade – for both partners.

Since the unratified agreement is being practiced happily, what is happening can be observed: the exchange of goods is increasing.

The EU Commission assumes that there will be a significant number of additional jobs.

Only the future can show to what extent the subsequent interpretation clause will be relevant.

Their social significance is certainly more important.

The political brake was released, the Bundestag passed the ratification law.

This is a sign to hesitant EU countries - and encourages further agreements.

This is important at a time when China risk is growing.

Nice deal!