If we all want to go shopping from time to time to treat ourselves to small pleasures, this pastime can cause serious financial problems when it turns into compulsive purchases.

To avoid this, some tricks are fortunately easy to put in place, as the Banque de France recently reminded us in its capacity as operator of the national strategy for economic, budgetary and financial education (EDUCFI).

Impose safeguards

Above all, taking a regular look at your accounts can only be beneficial to you, both to know where you stand financially, and to set priorities and objectives.

Likewise, you will be able to account for all these small superfluous purchases which seem insignificant on a case-by-case basis but which can represent a significant sum when combined.

When making a purchase, also try to temper yourself by asking yourself about its usefulness.

Are you really going to wear this flashy sweater or will it end up in the back of the closet?

Can you afford this expense this month or is it not better to wait?

And even if it means giving in to temptation, remember to keep the invoice and the labels so that you can be reimbursed if you change your mind!

Moreover, between the incessant commercial solicitations and the tools that aim to simplify and streamline payments, everything is now done to encourage you to consume.

To avoid headbutts, it helps to regain some distance.

Away with e-commerce applications!

Deleting them from your smartphone will save you many temptations.


Likewise, do not register your means of payment on the platforms and delete the information from your credit card if it is already filled in.

Not only is it a security measure but it will save you from placing orders with just one click.


The dematerialized receipt will be good for the planet... but dangerous for your data


Conso: Why you should be wary of customer reviews on online sites

Good to know: the EDUCFI Youtube channel offers a host of educational videos on everyday financial issues for individuals.

  • Budget

  • Tips

  • Consumption

  • Debt