Finding a job can be a long, tedious and fraught with pitfalls, especially when a precarious personal situation complicates the search.

This is why several aids to the resumption of activity paid by Pôle emploi aim to facilitate the professional integration of jobseekers encountering particular difficulties.

Focus on these allowances not always well identified by potential beneficiaries...

ASS for long-term unemployment

After a maximum of 2 years of compensation, a job seeker under the age of 53 can no longer receive unemployment benefits.

On the other hand, he can receive the specific solidarity allowance (ASS), if he respects a ceiling of monthly resources (1,252.89 € for a single person, against 1,968.82 € for a couple in 2022), justifies 5 years of activity during the 10 years before the end of the last employment contract, and that he continues to seek employment.

The ASS is awarded in renewable 6-month periods and can reach a maximum of €536.95 per month.

Its benefit ceases when your situation improves or when you retire.

If you find a job, however, you can continue to receive this aid in full for three months.

Beyond that, the payment will stop if your activity continues.

Good to know: in principle, you have no request to make since Pôle emploi takes care of the process at the end of your unemployment benefits.

Agepi to have your child looked after

How do you start training or go back to work when you can't finance suitable childcare?

To overcome this impediment to employability, Pôle emploi has set up a specific subsidy: Agepi.

Childcare assistance for single parents is granted to job seekers who do not receive any unemployment benefit or whose daily amount is less than €29.57 and who are raising alone one or more children under 10 years old.

To obtain this boost, you must make a request via a dedicated form available in your Pôle emploi agency.

Attention, the file must be sent in the month following the signature of a CDI, a CDD of at least 3 months or a training of at least 40 hours.

The Agepi is paid in one go for one year and varies between €170 and €520 depending on the number of children and the duration of work or training.

Mobility aids

Being able to move around comfortably is often essential to be employable.

This is why Pôle emploi can cover the cost of a driving license (licence B) for job seekers registered for at least 6 months and receiving unemployment benefits.

The adviser must nevertheless make the observation that the absence of a permit is an obstacle to hiring.

This is particularly the case if the search area is poorly served by public transport or if the position sought requires driving.

It is then necessary to make the request to your Pôle emploi agency via a dedicated form by attaching the detailed estimate of a driving school.

The aid may reach a maximum of €1,200.


As for job seekers with no or little compensation (less than €29.57 per day), they can benefit from mobility assistance to go to a job interview, start a new job on a permanent contract or a fixed-term contract. more than 3 months, follow a training course or take a public competition located, in all cases, more than 60 km or 2 hours round trip from their home.

The envelope can reach €5,000 a year or take the form of an SNCF transport voucher if you take the train.

The request is made at a Pôle emploi agency or from your personal online space.


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