• Euribor The internal tension in the Government complicates the agreement with the banks to relieve mortgages

While rents rise more than 6% in Spain and mortgages become more expensive by more than 200 euros per month, the future

Housing Law

is still stuck in the Congress of Deputies.

It has been nine months since the Council of Ministers gave it the green light in February and far from providing relief for the crisis of access to housing that many citizens are going through, it has become a pain of head more for the partners of Government.

Moncloa intended to have it approved before the end of the year, but time and the discrepancies between PSOE and United We Can seem to play against a text that was presented from the outset as one of the main bets of the legislature and the coalition Executive.

The delay in the parliamentary processing of the norm has also given rise to a paradoxical situation: that PSOE and PP, in the midst of a clash over the renewal of the CGPJ, coincide in trying to overturn several amendments to the General Budgets of 2023 that

United We Can, ERC and Bildu

have presented to alleviate (at least temporarily) the housing problems.

Last Thursday they were about to annul them at a meeting that has been highly criticized by the


as it was held at 07:30 in the morning,

"behind closed doors and without parliament expressing itself democratically


socialist and


They could not meet their objective at that time, but the sources consulted by EL MUNDO take it for granted that it will go ahead at the meeting of the Budget Committee table scheduled for next Tuesday, November 8.

The amendments in question seek to limit the rental price regardless of whether it is a small or large owner (the Housing Law only provides for the latter) and prohibit evictions without a housing alternative.

Given the delay in the approval of the residential standard, which already partially contemplates both initiatives, United We Can has chosen to propose these amendments in the Budget Committee of Congress, so that both measures would come into force with the Public Accounts of the next year.

That is, without the need to wait for the stuck housing standard.

And therein lies the key: these are not amendments to the Housing Law itself, but to the General Budgets for 2023.

The formation led by Ione Belarra thus seeks to intervene urgently in the real estate market in the face of the problem of rising rents and mortgages and, incidentally, tries to wave one of the political flags that the minority partner of the Government.

The PSOE, for its part, resists this intervention and tries to keep separate the processing of the PGE and the processing of the Housing Law.

To justify themselves, the Socialists appeal to the criteria of the legal services of the Lower House.

This was explained last Thursday by the Minister of Finance,

María Jesús Montero

, who confirmed that the PSOE will stop the amendments of UP, ERC and EH Bildu following the criteria set by the legal services of Congress.

"How is it logical, the lawyer has raised the inadmissibility because they are not in line with the processing of a Budget project and it does not seem logical to deviate from that criterion," said Montero.

At United We Can, they have long distrusted the true intentions of their partners with the Housing Law;

they fear that there is no real will to approve forceful measures and they are suspicious that it can arrive on time in this legislature.

The coincidence of the PSOE with the PP in the maneuver to overthrow the amendments has further supported this theory and has also become a new source of conflict between the Moncloa partners.

One more in the last few days, in fact.

The possible agreement with the bank to alleviate the mortgage pressure has also caused friction between the Vice Presidency of Economic Affairs of

Nadia Calviño

and the Vice Presidency of

Yolanda Díaz

and to these discrepancies have been added the doubts about what happened in the tragedy of Melilla on the 24th of July.

As a result of the documentary broadcast by the BBC, the


They have supported the holding of a commission together with Bildu and the rest of the parliamentary partners to clarify what happened at the border.

The celebration of said commission, again paradoxically, is in the hands of the PP, which must decide whether or not to support an investigation against the role of the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska.

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  • living place

  • Rental

  • mortgages