Aurélien Fleurot 07h25, November 04, 2022

This is a trend that continues to grow.

In 10 years, the average price of a car has risen from 20,000 to 27,000 euros, limiting access to the new vehicle market in France.

While shortages are often pointed out, it is often the purchase price that weighs on consumers' balances.

In France, the average price of a vehicle has gone from 20,000 to 27,000 euros in the space of 10 years.

An amount that is felt on the wallet of the French.

The trend was already clear and it has accelerated further since the health crisis.

Prices have jumped 21% in two years, according to figures from automotive data specialists AAA Data.

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While taking current inflation into account, they estimate the average price of a new car at 32,600 euros in 2022. As a result, registrations are plummeting.

There are a third less than in 2019. But it's not just because of shortages.

Decline in new car sales

What is it about ?

"There is a real subject on the price of new cars. So much so that today, individuals are buying almost more new cars. This year, only 2% of French households will have bought a new vehicle and therefore raise the question of access to this mobility", explains Flavien Neuvy, economist and director of the Cetelem Observatory.

“When we look at their evolution, the price of new cars is increasing twice as fast as inflation,” he continues.

But the paradox is that manufacturers who sell much less make much more margin.

It's the end of the race for volumes and now the hunt for profitability.

Stellantis has just published a turnover for the third quarter of 2022 up 29%.