In Germany, for the first time, there should be a nationwide public transport ticket for the price of 49 euros per month.

The transport ministers of the federal states agreed on this on Thursday together with Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) at a two-day transport ministers' conference in Bremerhaven.

Corinna Budras

Business correspondent in Berlin.

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Unlike the 9-euro ticket, the ticket is only available by subscription and is valid for all local and regional transport in Germany.

The offer is intended to lure more customers from their cars to buses and trains in order to reduce emissions of climate-damaging carbon dioxide.

The ticket should be introduced “as soon as possible”, said Maike Schaefer, Bremen Senator for Mobility and Chair of the Conference of Transport Ministers.

However, the introduction is still subject to the proviso that the Prime Ministers' Conference agrees.

This first had to decide on an additional increase in regionalization funds in order to ensure the financing of public transport in the long term.

Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) believes that, despite the repeated delay, it is possible that the ticket could be offered as early as January.

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