The text on the reform of unemployment insurance is currently being examined in the National Assembly.

The opportunity for the secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, to speak about the project to which he opposes.

"It's ineffective because today, there are more than half of job seekers who are not compensated," he said Monday, October 2 on the set of France Info.

A figure that seems extremely high for many Internet users.

"It's scandalous that we contribute to have the right to it but that we don't touch it", exclaims one of them.

For others it is necessarily false.

What is it really ?

20 Minutes

takes stock.


According to figures shared by Pôle emploi, Laurent Berger is telling the truth.

In the second quarter of 2022, there are 5 million registered job seekers, divided between categories A, B and C. These are therefore those who are looking for work.

Of this figure, only 2.3 million receive unemployment insurance benefits.

Or a little less than half, as announced by Laurent Berger.

According to figures from the end of 2021, there are also around one million people who do not receive this allowance.

This is explained by the sequence of several fixed-term contracts, for example.

These claimants receive a salary deemed too high, or have worked too many hours in the month to receive this compensation.

Questionable information?

Go through WhatsApp

And then there are those who ask for nothing.

A recent report from the Ministry of Labor states that between 25 and 42% of employees eligible for Unemployment Insurance do not claim it.

The document also notes that this proportion is “comparable” to that observed on other social benefits.

This non-recourse is explained by two main reasons.

As is the case for many aids, the first cause is the fact that employees do not know whether or not they are entitled to unemployment.

And then the second is quite different.

Some refuse to push the doors of Pôle Emploi for fear of stigmatization or because they think they will quickly find work.


Clothing: Camaïeu, symbol of the impasse in which the mid-range finds itself in France


National Assembly: A first lively debate on the reform of unemployment insurance

  • Economy

  • Unemployment

  • CFDT

  • Unemployment insurance

  • fake-off