• Elisabeth announced that the price of cigarettes would increase to 11 euros by 2024.

  • 20 Minutes

    asked its readers - smokers - to find out if this price increase could push them to quit.

  • “No, I take pleasure in smoking”, “I buy them in Spain”, “It was that or stop eating, I had no choice”… The testimonies are contrasting.

And 50 cents more in 2023. And 35 cents more in 2024. While the price of cigarettes will increase to reach 11 euros by 2024, as indicated by the Prime Minister, are French smokers thinking of reduce or even put an end to their consumption?

According to the Public Health Barometer France, more than three out of ten adults aged 18-75 reported smoking (31.8%) in 2020, and a quarter reported smoking daily (25.5%).

Will there be fewer of them soon?

20 Minutes

 asked them the question.

“I enjoy smoking”

For some, the answer is categorical: no question of quitting.

This is particularly the case of Lucette, for whom smoking “is (his) only pleasure”.

Same thing for Jean-Marc, who recognizes "smoking ten cigarettes a day since the age of 14".

And this despite rising prices.

A factor that does not seem to slow down Isabelle's consumption as a general rule: “I won't stop, just as I won't stop eating because food is more expensive…”.

"I may smoke a little less," admits him, Karim.

Many of our readers partly justify their choice by their questioning about the taxation of cigarette packs.

"The increase makes me laugh when you know who it benefits," says David indignantly.

According to figures from the General Directorate of Customs and Indirect Duties, since March 1, 2020, the State taxes - for consumption duty and VAT - around 80% of the price of a package, i.e. 8 .33 euros on a package at 10 euros, for example.

A tobacconist receives about 10%, and the manufacturer 7%.

"No, we'll go to Spain!"


For other readers, the solution seems to lie elsewhere.

"I live near the border, I will continue to buy my tobacco abroad rather than paying the high price in France," says Benjamin.

Fabienne, who buys her cigarettes in Spain, agrees: “Sorry for our tobacconists, but alone with 3 children, my choice is quickly made”.

And there are those who benefit from the good services of those around them, like Elisabeth, whose daughter “brings back cartridges from Luxembourg”.

Our readers fear that the inflation of cigarettes amplifies this phenomenon.

"That won't stop smokers and will push them to go and get supplies in bordering countries," thinks Marie-Christine.

And this consequence would not be the only one, according to our readers.

"This increase rather encourages me to look for a smuggler", testifies Nora, whose opinion is also shared by Flavien, aware "of the shortfall for tobacconists and the state of health of smokers".

As a reminder, counterfeit cigarettes are not subject to any control and are made with low quality materials that are perfectly harmful to health.

According to an Empty Pack Survey, published by the Société d'exploitation Industrielle des Tabacs et des Correspondettes (Seita), cross-border purchases of cigarettes by the French represented 18% in the second quarter of 2022. Purchases of counterfeit cigarettes represent 13% .

“Quit, it was that or eat, I had no choice”

Conversely, some of our readers choose to say stop.

Firstly for financial reasons.

Because if Maryse “still hesitates to take the plunge” and Noémie has reduced her consumption, Céline admits that she was “not sure of being able to pay everything, in addition to increases like on gas”.

Vanessa, she decided to save money by "switching to the electronic cigarette".

And for others, making a line on the cigarette became vital: "it was that or eat, I had no choice", admits Vanessa.

And health ?

"Admittedly, paying more than 10 euros for a pack of cigarettes is excessive, but it is mainly for health that we have stopped," says Edwin.

Same reasoning for Oscar, who nevertheless believes that "the State only makes small increases which only discourage very few people from smoking".

However, according to Anne, "we don't stop smoking for something or for someone, we stop when we decide to, when we feel that it is today".


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Cigarette: The price of the packet is rising again to keep up with inflation

  • Economy

  • Inflation

  • Cigarette

  • Addiction

  • Health