Laura Laplaud 8:36 a.m., September 14, 2022, modified at 8:37 a.m., September 14, 2022

Faced with the energy crisis that France and Europe are going through, Bertrand Piccard, President of the Solar Impulse Foundation, recalls his 50 recommendations for the government to modernize current regulations in terms of ecology and economy.

He was the guest of Europe Matin on Tuesday.

Do ecology and economy rhyme?

This is the objective of Bertrand Piccard, president of the Solar Impulse foundation, guest of Europe Matin on Wednesday.

"Today, we see that the fear of winter is stronger than the fear of climate change," he regrets.

For the explorer, we must stop opposing ecology and industry.

>> Find the 8:13 interview in replay and podcast here

“We should have used more renewable energies a long time ago, we should have fought against waste a long time ago by becoming more efficient, that is to say doing more with less consumption of resources. And then , we did not do it and suddenly, now, with the Ukrainian crisis, we wake up with a start,” he said on Europe 1.

>> More information to follow...