According to Deev, most likely, the dollar and the euro will grow slightly in the coming days - to the level of 61-62 rubles per unit.

“The factors are as follows: first, the volumes of foreign goods imported into Russia (under parallel import programs) are gradually increasing, which will stimulate demand for foreign currency.

The second is a decrease in the cost of oil on the world market (the raw material is currently trading at about $90 per barrel),” the specialist explained.

In addition, the gradual increase in the value of the dollar and the euro in Russia is an objectively necessary process for the budget formed for this year from the price of the dollar above 70 rubles, the RT interlocutor added.

“Therefore, we should expect that we will not see a new round of ruble strengthening, on the contrary, the dollar and the euro will gradually move away from the 60 ruble mark, gradually adding in value,” the expert said.

Earlier, Russian presidential aide Maxim Oreshkin, commenting on the Finance Ministry’s proposal to create reserves in gold and yuan, said that the dollar and euro, which had become “toxic” amid sanctions, should be exchanged for the ruble, and not for other currencies.