[Explanation] On September 1, the 2022 China International Fair for Trade in Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Services Fair") with the theme of "Service Cooperation Promotes Development and Green Innovation Welcomes the Future" officially opened.

In the Metaverse Experience Hall, many technological products such as naked-eye 3D and holographic interaction appeared in the exhibition area, attracting audiences to stop and visit.

  [Concurrent] Peng Xiaodong, Director of Marketing Department of Danghong Technology

  We mainly exhibited three projects today, naked eye 3D, XR studio, and holographic interactive space.

Like naked-eye 3D, it is such a large screen, and it is very shocking if it is placed on the block.

Put it in the corner as if the characters inside want to come out and interact with you.

  [Explanation] A robot that can "fly over the eaves" has also attracted a lot of attention.

According to the staff, this robot can replace manual cleaning, rust removal, testing, painting and other operations in high-risk environments.

  [Concurrent] Shihe Robot Staff Road Security

  What you see now is our "flying over the eaves" robot, which is our fourth-generation magnetic adsorption robot.

Our robot body is 90 kg, but its load capacity can reach 150 kg.

Can do paint rust removal, and can do some testing.

The efficiency is 6 to 8 times that of manual work.

  [Explanation] At the event site, many booths adopted an immersive interactive experience method to increase the interaction between exhibitors and audiences, and enjoy the fun of technology together.

  [Concurrent] Yan Wenhui, General Manager of Oriental Fashion Driving School

  These pieces of equipment are a revolution in the whole process of driving training.

From theoretical training, we replaced the teacher with a 4DVR chair.

The feedback from the students is very good and it is easier. There is no coach beside the AI ​​coach car, so there is no need to (worry) whether the coach will lose his temper or teach rudely.

  【Concurrent period】Staff at Shijingshan booth

  Bringing you a shooting game.

4 players put on our game experience equipment (rear) for a real-life battle.

This morning, there have been 6 rounds of audience experience and 2 rounds of exhibition competitions.


  This game is a lot of fun, I really enjoy it and I really like it.

It was a good experience for me, I have never played a game like this before.

Next time I have the chance, I will try again.

  [Explanation] In addition to the immersive experience of technology, sports products and special food are also a highlight at the service trade fair.

  [Concurrent] Yin Ying, Director of Keep Strategic Cooperation

  We have prepared an intelligently equipped elliptical machine for the Service Trade Fair. The biggest feature of this elliptical machine is intelligent mute. The mute feature can make us more comfortable when exercising at home and reduce the impact of exercise on other members of the family.


  (Herbal coffee) There is no traditional Chinese medicine flavor, basically it is coffee flavor, very strong.

It has the taste of tangerine peel and is delicious.

  [Explanation] Since 2012, the Service Trade Fair has been held for eight sessions.

Preliminary statistics show that over 1,000 events of various types have been held in the previous CIFTIS, providing a platform for governments, international organizations, industry associations and enterprises around the world to strengthen multi-level and multi-channel cooperation in the service field, as well as conduct rule dialogue, policy coordination and experience exchange. an international public platform.


  Welcome to the service trade fair.


  I love being here.

  Reported by Chi Hanyu in Beijing

Responsible editor: [Yu Xiao]