Guo Cunju

  The direct purpose of most consumers buying a sea-view house is not for self-occupation, but for the long-term value-added function of the house.

The cooling of the sea-view house shows that the house is gradually returning to the residential function, consumers' expectations for the house are gradually becoming practical and rational, the speculative investment behavior is cooling down, and the market tends to develop steadily and healthily

  In recent years, the price of sea view houses in many places has dropped significantly.

The sea view house, which was once hotly hyped, was neglected by the market, causing social concern.

  The scenery of some sea-view rooms is no longer there, which seems a little unexpected, but it is also reasonable.

For many homebuyers, the investment property of the sea view house is stronger than the residential property.

Sea-view house projects often attract attention for vacation and retirement, and most consumers do not purchase houses directly for their own living, but are more optimistic about the long-term value-added function of the house.

The cooling of sea-view houses just shows that houses are gradually returning to residential functions. Consumers’ expectations for houses are gradually becoming practical and rational, and their enthusiasm for investing in real estate is not as good as before. Speculative investment behaviors have cooled down, and the market has tended to develop steadily and healthily.

  A few years ago, under the hype of capital, sea view houses were sought after by many people, and the prices remained high. Real estate companies made blind large-scale layouts, and there was excess supply in some areas, resulting in bubbles.

The high prices once came from market hype and blindly following the trend of consumers, not a reflection of real demand.

With the changes in supply and demand and the rationality of home buyers, the consumption of sea view houses is insufficient, and some shortcomings and risks are exposed.

  Price is determined by value.

The cooling of the sea view room is a reassessment of its true value by the market.

Compared with ordinary housing, sea view houses in small and medium-sized cities are often "beautiful but not practical".

Whether it is the matching of resources such as education and medical care, or the investment in living infrastructure, sea view houses are often not competitive.

Some home buyers only regard sea view houses as a tool for family asset allocation, but ignore the problems of house management, cleaning and maintenance caused by long-term vacancy.

Because the seaside area is relatively humid, sea-view houses are susceptible to corrosion, and depreciation tends to be greater.

  In reality, many home buyers sign contracts hastily on their way to travel and vacation, but they do not know the pre-sale license, property rights and specific rules, and lack in-depth research and judgment on the long-term value of real estate.

In fact, many sea view houses have price traps, especially for buyers from different places, it is not uncommon to find that they have been deceived after buying a house.

  Of course, the cooling of the sea-view room also reflects the gradual effect of the property market regulation policy.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the differentiation trend of the domestic real estate market has further intensified.

In this regard, many places took advantage of the situation and introduced regulatory policies. In the context of city-specific policies, differentiated regulatory policies were implemented to resolutely crack down on all kinds of real estate speculation.

Judging from market feedback, the role of regulatory policies to limit speculative house purchases cannot be ignored.

  This once again warns real estate speculators that the investment properties of real estate are constantly weakening, while the risks brought by real estate speculation continue to rise.

In the current real estate market, it is very normal for house prices to rise and fall, and betting that house prices will only rise and not fall is doomed to suffer.

  In the long run, industry and population are the core elements supporting the recovery of the property market.

In order to truly boost the property market, some small and medium-sized coastal cities can only continuously improve the city's attractiveness by practicing hard work, getting rid of real estate path dependence, vigorously developing characteristic industries, and practically improving the living environment.

In addition, the practice of property market regulation shows that only by reducing the wealth attribute of real estate from the source and returning it to the residential attribute can fundamentally promote the long-term healthy development of the real estate market.