The rising gas prices are increasing the pressure on the energy group Uniper.

"It is clear that if gas prices continue to rise, the losses will increase," said a spokesman on Friday when asked by the financial news agency dpa-AFX.

The gas price in Europe had started to soar again in the past few days.

The Uniper spokesman did not want to further quantify the losses.

This means that additional supportive measures for Uniper are coming closer.

The rescue package agreed in July stipulates that the federal government will be available for further support if the losses for the replacement exceed an amount of 7 billion euros.

The prerequisite is that these cannot be offset by operating profits from other business areas.

Because of the supply failures for Russian gas, Uniper has to buy other gas on the market for a lot of money in order to fulfill the supply contracts with its customers.

After the TTF futures contract on the energy exchange in Amsterdam, which is trend-setting for European gas trading, remained largely stable at the EUR 200 per megawatt hour mark in the first two weeks of August, it rose sharply over the course of the week to just under EUR 251.

Only in the period immediately after the outbreak of war in Ukraine was the price of natural gas traded in Europe temporarily higher, at the beginning of March it had peaked at over 300 euros.