• Public Salaries The Government includes civil servants in the rent agreement and refuses to negotiate with the unions

The first step in drawing up the General State Budgets (PGE) for 2023 has produced two very important pieces of evidence: that the Spanish economy will grow

less next year than the Government forecast

and, at the same time, that the non-financial spending grows significantly

to almost 200,000 million


The rebound, despite this economic slowdown, will be just over 2,000 million, with which the so-called spending ceiling will be 198,221 million.

The Ministry of Finance itself remarks that this figure "

marks a new historical record


As far as growth is concerned, the macro table on which the Budgets will be based maintains the estimated rebound for this year at 4.3%, a figure that could seem somewhat optimistic in view of the revisions made by the main organizations and study services.

But for next year, it already seemed totally out of date, and the fact that the first vice president, Nadia Calviño, has reduced it significantly shows it: it

will be 2.7%, eight tenths less


Conforms to The Trust Project criteria

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