The world of Silicon Valley goes far beyond algorithms, gadget design and the desperate search for the

next big thing


Above other merits, Elon Musk, the billionaire founder of

Tesla and Space X

, has become a


who one day leaves millions of cryptocurrency investors out of the game;

another threatens to invest 44,000 million dollars in the twitter social network, leaving it with losses of 270 million euros, and the next causes the divorce of the co-founder of Google, Sergei Brin, by having an affair with his wife.

According to

The Wall Street Journal

, Brin would have given an order to get out of all the businesses that he shares with Musk, another divorce but of a financial nature.

According to the American newspaper, which cites people familiar with the event as sources, Musk had a brief affair in MIami with

Nicole Shbahan

, Brin's wife, triggering a divorce lawsuit by the co-founder of Google last January and putting an end to the long friendship between both millionaires.

Brin's departure from Tesla comes as the electric vehicle maker is viewed with suspicion by investors because of its industrial problems caused by

supply chain bottlenecks.

Musk has come out against the information denying any relationship with the break between Brin and Shbahan and ensuring that his friendship with Brin remains intact.

He has done it precisely through Twitter.

Sergey and I are friends and we were at a party together last night!

I have only seen Nicole twice in three years, both times with many other people around.

Nothing romantic


In the past few months, while drawing all the attention for his interest on Twitter, Musk has had to deny sexual harassment allegations about a stewardess from his space travel company Space X. Almost simultaneously, the tycoon you already know four divorces, has recognized

two new children with Shivon Zilis

, director of operations and special projects at his artificial intelligence company Neuralink, in November 2021, which would add up to nine.

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