Data shows that the number of public fund managers has exceeded 3,000.

The ever-expanding team of public fund managers has ushered in more and more "new forces".

Recently, many fund products have released announcements about the change of fund managers, and some fund managers with shorter working years have begun to practice management products.

  A reporter from China Securities Journal learned from some public fund companies that since the beginning of this year, the market popularity has declined.

In such a "training period", it is a good time for the company to cultivate new investment and research personnel.

Some public fund companies said that they will continue to strengthen the training of internal newcomers and expand the team of fund managers in the next period of time.

  A large number of newcomers are employed

  Wind data shows that as of June 13, there have been 1,056 new fund managers in the past two years, and the total number of domestic fund managers has reached 3,019.

By June 19, this figure had reached 3,032, and the team of public fund managers continued to expand.

However, among the expanded team of public fund managers, many are newcomers with short experience in the industry, and more than 500 public fund managers have served as fund managers for less than a year.

  However, it seems that fund companies are happy to hand over the "baton" of investment and research to these novices, allowing them to experience and grow.

  For example, Hui'an Trend Power Equity Fund recently hired Shan Bolin as its fund manager.

According to the announcement, Shan Bolin is a master’s student in integrated circuit engineering at Tsinghua University, with 5 years of experience in the securities and fund industries, and a former equity researcher in the Huarong Securities Research Department.

In July 2020, he joined Hui'an Fund Management Co., Ltd. as the fund manager of the Equity Investment Department.

However, there is no data on the number of years of its securities investment management practice.

  Earlier, Tianhong Fund also issued an announcement saying that Tianhong Hang Seng Shanghai-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovative Drug Selection 50 ETF launched a joint fund to recruit He Yuxuan as a fund manager.

According to the announcement, He Yuxuan has 7 years of experience in securities industry and 6 years of experience in securities investment management. From July 2012 to September 2016, he served as the data mining engineer of Guosen Securities E-Commerce Headquarters; in October 2016, he joined Tianhong Fund Management Co., Ltd. , successively served as a researcher in the Intelligent Investment Department and a senior researcher in the Index and Quantitative Investment Department.

However, the announcement shows that its earliest start date for managing public funds is July 1, 2021.

  In addition, a number of fund companies have recently announced the change of fund managers of their fund products, among which many fund managers with less seniority have been successfully "on the job".

However, it should be noted that these "novices" successfully became fund managers, mostly starting from co-managing fund products with others, and "matching new and old" has become the mainstream model.

  hone and reserve

  In response to the situation of a large number of "novice" fund managers "taking jobs", Huabao Fund analysts said that the "replacement of old and new" fund managers is a relatively common phenomenon, and the domestic public fund industry is still in a stage of rapid development. This situation will continue to Continue to appear in large numbers.

"There will be many older fund managers with very long working experience in overseas markets, but they are relatively rare in China. The team of public fund managers is still expanding, with high-speed turnover of personnel, and the team is constantly updated."

  Indeed, on the side of the fund company, there is a lot of pressure to replenish and update the team.

Statistics show that since the beginning of this year, many fund managers in the public fund industry have resigned, or have transformed into swindling, or started a new career in the public fund industry.

For example, since the beginning of this year, many well-known fund managers in the market, such as Cui Ying, Dong Chengfei, Ge Chen, and Zhou Yingbo, have announced their resignations one after another, and have joined private equity institutions or founded their own companies. Many fund managers have “transferred” between public offering platforms. Will”, so the former “champion fund manager” Zhao Yi left the ABC-CA Fund to join a new public offering platform and so on.

  "Going to private and public to public have been very common in the past two years, so the liquidity of the company's investment research team is relatively large. The company's current strategy is to hope that the internally cultivated investment research team will grow faster, and through the combination of new and old, the old will lead the new. We hope that new fund managers can gain experience. It is expected that in the next period of time, the company's investment and research team will be greatly expanded, and the source of personnel will be mainly internal training." An executive of a medium-sized fund company in South China said.

  In addition, some fund companies said that this year, when the market tends to be rational and peaceful, it is a good choice to train new investment and research personnel and help them grow into excellent fund managers.