The ice cream market seems to be entering a vicious circle of "no most expensive, only more expensive".

As for why ice cream is getting more and more expensive, merchants are accustomed to attribute the reason to the rising cost of raw materials, but the reason may not be so simple.

The promotion of marketing costs is indispensable.

These naturally "expensive" ice creams, through a series of marketing pushes and even hype, endow the ice cream with social and emotional attributes, and successfully "harvest" a new generation of consumer groups who are not so sensitive to price.

Some consumers report that some high-end ice creams are "expensive and unpalatable".

Behind the expensive and unpalatable, it is actually paying for the marketing expenses.

The ice cream industry should learn from the milk tea industry, increase prices in an instant, play less gimmicks, and don't let "freedom of ice cream" get further and further away from ordinary people.

What price can you accept to eat an ice cream?

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]