As we know, in order to reduce CO2 emissions from new cars in the European Union to zero, from 2035 the sale of cars with internal combustion engines (including hybrids) will be prohibited.

A radical decision, not to say completely utopian, even simply unrealistic.

But hey… It is therefore more than urgent to spend the second in terms of the deployment of charging stations, because at present, the infrastructure is still in its infancy.

Also, the Commission proposes to change the directive on alternative fuels infrastructure adopted in 2014 into a regulation. This includes several particularly ambitious objectives: to have a recharging station every 60 kilometers on the main roads of the member countries from 2025 , reach 3.5 million terminals in 2030, and up to 16.3 million by 2050, compared to… 260,000 currently.

In addition, the European ministers want “total” interoperability of terminals for payment and compatibility between vehicles as well as ease of use to make life easier for motorists.

The Coué method you say?


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  • Automotive

  • European Commission

  • Mobility

  • Energetic transition

  • Electric car