
Measures for livelihood also include real estate-related content.

More than 90% of single-family homeowners have lower property taxes this year than they did two years ago.

In addition, first-time home buyers can borrow up to 80% of the house price from the second half of the year.

Reporter Jo Yoon-ha then reports.


Those who own one house with a published price of 600 million won or less will have a lower property tax this year than in 2020.

A law has already been passed to reduce the property tax from before, because the government has decided to impose an additional tax based on last year's published price instead of this year.

The official price of 600 million won was originally to be paid 800,000 won as property tax, but as of yesterday, you pay 728,000 won, which is less than 70,000 won.

The government plans to set both the property tax and the estate tax to the 2020 level even if the published price is over 600 million won.

In addition, starting in July of this year, a loan of up to 80% of the house price will be provided to young people or newlyweds who are buying a house for the first time.

If you are buying a 500-million-dollar apartment in Seoul for the first time, you can borrow up to 60% or 300 million won now, but after two months you can borrow up to 80% or 400 million won.

At the same time, we plan to release a 50-year mortgage with a reduced principal and interest while increasing the loan limit.

If the repayment period is increased from 40 to 50 years, if you borrow 500 million won, the monthly principal and interest will be reduced by 160,000 won.

As the maturity increases, the interest rate rises significantly, but during an interest rate rise period, the burden will increase. On the other hand, there are concerns that the expansion of loans will stimulate house prices.