Zhongxin Finance, May 17. On the 17th, at a series of press conferences on the theme of "China's Ten Years", Xu Hongcai, Vice Minister of Finance, said that in the past ten years, the financial strength has been continuously enhanced.

With the steady and healthy development of the economy, the state's fiscal revenue has maintained a rapid growth rate, and the fiscal "cake" has become larger and larger.

  From 2012 to 2021, the national general public budget revenue will increase from 11.73 trillion yuan to 20.25 trillion yuan, a ten-year accumulation of 163.05 trillion yuan, an average annual growth of 6.9%, which provides a solid financial guarantee for the realization of the first centenary goal.

  The scale of national fiscal expenditure is expanding year by year.

The national general public budget expenditure has increased from 12.6 trillion yuan in 2012 to 24.63 trillion yuan in 2021, accumulatively reaching 193.64 trillion yuan in ten years, with an average annual growth of 8.5%, which has effectively promoted the overall development and progress of economic and social undertakings.
