How to "avoid the pit" to buy cosmetics

  Lanzhou Evening News has entered summer, and cosmetics consumption has entered the peak season.

In the context of the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, how should citizens choose cosmetics correctly?

On May 6, the Xigu District Market Supervision Bureau issued a cosmetic consumption warning, reminding consumers to correctly understand and use cosmetics, and be alert to consumption misunderstandings.

If consumers find cosmetic product quality problems or their legitimate rights and interests are violated when purchasing cosmetics, please call the consumer rights protection complaint report hotline: 12315.

  The Xigu District Market Supervision Bureau reminds consumers that they should choose cosmetics that suit their skin type and needs, and purchase cosmetics through formal channels and legitimate merchants.

You can check whether the product registration and filing information is consistent through the website of the State Food and Drug Administration and the "Cosmetics Supervision App", pay attention to checking the label, determine the product's validity period, and confirm that imported cosmetics should have Chinese labels that are consistent with the original packaging content; beware of illegal claims of cosmetics Medical effects, false and misleading publicity, such as words such as "fast, super strong"; online shopping for cosmetics should go to regular and legal websites to buy, carefully check labels and product qualification certificates, and avoid purchasing substandard products.

  Treat preferential promotions such as "buy gifts, coupons back" rationally, beware of false discounts and "prepaid consumption" traps by merchants, and choose merchants and products with high reputation and good reputation according to actual needs.

When shopping for cosmetics online, be careful to buy products that are significantly lower than the market price, and pay attention to keeping valid purchase certificates such as shopping invoices, electronic shopping vouchers, and small receipts.

  Du Zhichao, an all-media reporter from Lanzhou Daily