
The National Library, built with 100 billion won in tax, has been closed for a long time due to building safety issues.

It's been less than 10 years since it was built, and the steel frame, the building's skeleton, broke and fell down and the wall was cracked.

According to the safety inspection report that we have obtained with difficulty, it is understood that the welding of the entire building is in need of re-welding.

Reporter Jo Ki-ho reports.


The National Library of Sejong was completed in 2013.

100 billion won in taxes.

However, there are papers all over the buildings that have been built for less than 10 years announcing the closure, and construction is in full swing inside and out.

Accidents followed.

Suddenly, something exploded, and the steel frame next to the door broke, and after several months of repair, the steel frame broke in another place.

[Construction site official: Once when it was cold, and once when it was hot (steel frame welding) two fell.]

Later, the building shook and made a noise, so the library eventually requested a safety diagnosis and received a D grade.

Enlarging an image

It is classified as a disaster risk facility requiring urgent repair due to defects in the main materials constituting the building's skeleton.

When we got the diagnostic report, we analyzed that the welding that connects the steel frames, which are the skeletons, was not done properly during the construction in the first place.

Defects above the standard were confirmed on the surface of 2/3 of the entire steel frame.

In the safety inspection, it was confirmed that the protective coating was peeled off and the corroded steel frame was rusted bright red, and there were even places where the welded part fell off and there were gaps.

[Jo Won-cheol / Chair Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yantai University: What is bad about welding is that it is rough.


It is said that dust settles and moisture sinks there.]

In this state, whenever summer and winter came, the steel frame increased and decreased, and it was determined that fatigue accumulated and led to an accident.

Ultimately, the report concludes that the entire welding area needs to be reinforced.

[Seung-jeong Seong-jeong / Secretary General of the Sejong Participation Solidarity: Citizens are very anxious that a public building built by the government only 9 years old received a D grade, while it is not easy to get a D grade even for a 30-year-old apartment built by the private sector…


DL E&C, who built the building, said she wasn't under construction, but that she was renovating the entire building as she had some remaining maintenance period left.

Although the Sejong Library aims to reopen in August, there are many voices that the priority is to reopen the door after securing safety rather than proceeding with the construction according to the date.

(Video coverage: Kim Min-cheol, video editing: Commissioner Yang, data provided: Jang Kyung-tae's office)