China's deepening of market-oriented reform has ushered in an important "puzzle".

  The "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a National Unified Market" was released on the 10th.

Analysts believe that building a new pattern with a big market and promoting the transformation of the Chinese market from a big to a strong is the highlight of the current deepening of reforms and deserves high attention from all parties.

Why do we need a "national unified market"?

  At the beginning of the "Opinions", it emphasized that building a unified national market is the basic support and inherent requirement for building a new development pattern.

  At present, the scale of China's domestic market is at the forefront of the world, the commodity market has obvious advantages in scale, and the market for capital, technology, data and other factors is rapidly expanding, but the problem of "big but not strong" is still prominent.

  Dong Yu, Executive Deputy Dean of the China Development Planning Institute of Tsinghua University, said that a large market does not naturally have a corresponding scale effect. The Chinese market system has long had prominent problems such as inconsistent rules and regulations, poor flow of factor resources, local protection and market segmentation. , which affects the functioning of the market.

  In recent years, China has issued a number of important documents on deepening market-oriented reforms, focusing not only on accelerating the improvement of the socialist market economic system to make overall arrangements, but also making major arrangements to further improve the market-based allocation system and mechanism for factors.

  This "Opinion" clearly proposes to "accelerate the construction of an efficient, standardized, fair competition, and fully open national unified large market", which requires a comprehensive promotion of the transformation of the Chinese market from a large to a strong one, and the construction of a larger and deeper national unified large market. The market has made a comprehensive deployment, which is considered to have officially formed the "combination punch" of market-oriented reform in the new era.

  "The key to building a new development pattern lies in the unimpeded economic cycle." According to Wang Yiming, vice chairman of the China International Economic Exchange Center, accelerating the construction of a unified national market, opening up key blocking points that restrict the economic cycle, breaking local protection and market segmentation, Only by promoting the smooth flow of commodity factor resources on a larger scale and continuously enhancing China's market advantages can we effectively attract global high-end factors and market resources, better connect domestic and international markets, and provide strong support for the construction of a new dual-cycle development pattern.

  Dong Yu said that what kind of big market will be built will largely determine the future appearance of China's economy.

Consolidating and expanding market resource advantages through reform and forming a synergistic effect between large factories and large markets is an inevitable choice for China to achieve sustainable and healthy economic development and remain invincible in international competition.

Establish regulations to stabilize market expectations

  How to build a unified national market?

In terms of specific operation principles, "standing and breaking simultaneously" has become the key word.

  "Li", focusing on the establishment of regulations and systems.

Rules are the cornerstone for the healthy development of the market.

In recent years, China's market facilities and other "hardware" have been continuously improved. This "Opinion" further proposes to promote the high-standard connectivity of facilities, and at the same time emphasizes making up for the shortcomings of "software" such as system rules and regulations. The point deploys a series of key tasks.

  For example, from the perspective of the underlying rules of the healthy operation of the market, the "Opinions" put forward the basic system of "four unifications" of property rights protection, market access, fair competition, and social credit.

  "Only if the rules are consistent, policies and implementation can truly be unified and coordinated." Dong Yu believes that the property rights system is the foundation of the market, and it is necessary to improve the system of equal protection of economic property rights of various ownerships in accordance with the law; the access principle is the balance of the market and must be strictly implemented "One national list" management model; fair competition is the basic game law of the market, and all market entities must be treated equally and equally; credit is the soil for market growth, and a full-coverage credit information network must be formed.

The direction of "four unifications" fully reflects the respect for the general laws of the market economy.

  Another challenge facing the Chinese market from big to strong is the unbalanced development. The development of factor and resource markets is relatively lagging behind, and the problem of market segmentation has not yet been resolved.

Only by allowing factors and resources to flow can the economy become active.

  Wang Yiming noticed that in response to these problems, the "Opinions" proposed measures to create a unified market for land, labor, capital, technology, data, energy and ecological environment, such as accelerating the cultivation of the data element market, promoting the timely establishment of a national power trading center, building The national unified carbon emission rights and water rights trading market is of great significance to make up for the shortcomings of China's market system.

  Promoting fair and unified market supervision is also an important way to break down local protection and regional barriers and build a unified national market.

Statements such as "strengthening the standardization and construction of market supervision", "unifying law enforcement standards and procedures, regulating law enforcement behavior, and reducing discretionary power" were written into the "Opinions".

For new business forms and new models, the official put forward "promoting online and offline integrated supervision", but also emphasized the need to "adhere to regulatory norms and promote development, and fill in the gaps in regulations and standards in a timely manner."

  Dong Yu believes that these regulatory requirements, combined with an effective implementation mechanism, will enhance the scientific, effective, and precise supervision, and achieve the simultaneous improvement of regulatory capabilities and regulatory effects.

And when the supervision is more scientific, it will also enhance the stability and predictability of the market.

Breaking down barriers and escorting the overall situation with reform

  In terms of "breaking", the "Opinions" highlighted "further regulating improper market competition and market intervention".

  Specifically, the relevant measures include focusing on strengthening anti-monopoly and steadily advancing the reform of natural monopoly industries; investigating and punishing unfair competition behaviors in accordance with the law, and rectifying the online black and gray industrial chain; such preferential policies; cleaning up and abolishing practices that impede equal access and exit in accordance with the law, as well as violations of the unified market construction in the field of bidding and procurement.

  It is not difficult to see that the above-mentioned measures are aimed at both market entities and government departments. While focusing on breaking down explicit barriers, they also emphasize breaking down various hidden barriers.

  Wang Yiming said that it should be seen that with the rapid development and widespread penetration of new-generation information technologies such as big data, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence, various market barriers and barriers are being destroyed, and the formation of a networked market structure is being promoted. The big market is revolutionary.

Therefore, on the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen the regulation of monopoly and unfair competition in new business forms and new models such as the platform economy; positive effect.

  Dong Yu analyzed that the "Opinions" have clear requirements for breaking local protection and regional barriers, cleaning up and abolishing regulations and practices that impede equal access and withdrawal in accordance with the law, etc., and should be promoted.

At the same time, it also reminded all regions to "do not engage in a 'small but complete' self-circulation, let alone engage in regional blockades in the name of 'internal circulation'."

This means that all parties should take the initiative to clear various barriers, especially ideological barriers, and truly implement the new development concept into the construction of a unified large market.

  At present, the difficulties and challenges faced by China's economic work have increased.

Experts emphasized that for the prominent contradictions and problems faced by the reform, we must resolutely break the ones that should be broken.

Only in this way, can we escort the stability of the overall situation with the reform and breaking of the situation at the point.

  Wang Enbo