Tesla isn't the only company looking to roll self-driving trucks.

This is also Aurora's project.

The American company also announced on Wednesday that a pilot test of autonomous trucks had started in the United States, on Texas roads, reports CNBC relayed by



In partnership with logistics company Werner Enterprises, Aurora ran tractor-trailers.

Called "Aurora Driver", the Californian company's autonomous driving system has been installed on trucks belonging to Werner.

These take a 900 km stretch of highway between Fort Worth and El Paso.

This section, located on the Atlanta/Los Angles route, is heavily used by trucks.

Nine hours long, it is considered monotonous by American truck drivers who prefer to avoid it.

We just completed our first autonomous haul for @One_Werner between our new terminals in Fort Worth and El Paso!

We're thrilled to work with a premier transportation and logistics provider to efficiently move goods across the US: https://t.co/frMhoBgLAG pic.twitter.com/kMBOPP5Jq4

— Aurora (@aurora_inno) April 6, 2022

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A human must stay on board the truck

Trucks equipped with Aurora's system will have to keep a human on board who can take over if necessary.

Aurora's gear only handles easy driving situations.

It is less at ease in urban spaces where vehicles are close together.

This test is important for a company like Werner which, like other transport companies, is facing a shortage of qualified drivers.

Its CEO, Derek Leathers also specifies that the use of Aurora Driver should not rule out drivers.

But these will be able to rely on the autonomous system when they take boring routes.

Aurora is developing equivalent solutions with FedEx and Uber Technologies, CNBC said.

Its system is also used with Toyota minivans that are part of a VTC fleet in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

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  • Automotive

  • Autonomous car

  • Truck

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