Elise Denjean edited by Wassila Belhacine 11:31 a.m., April 07, 2022

The 2022 tax return campaign 2021 opens this Thursday.

The deadline for completing and validating the declaration is May 19 for the paper version, with an additional deadline online until June 8 depending on the department.

This declaration is accompanied by a few new features, such as a revaluation of the mileage allowance scale. 

The campaign for declaring your 2021 income opens today. You have until May 19 to do so in paper version, with an additional period for online declarations, until June 8 depending on your department.

For 2022, it comes with some new features.

Revaluation of the mileage allowance scale 

This year, the mileage allowance scale, used by companies for the reimbursement of professional expenses, has been increased by 10%.

This measure was announced last January by Prime Minister Jean Castex.

It aims to help French people who drive a lot as part of their professional activity to cope with soaring fuel prices.

In total, 2.5 million people are affected. 


Rising fuel prices: what will the government do?

Maintaining the measures taken for teleworking 

Other good news, the exceptional measures taken last year for telework are maintained.

Thus, the allowances paid by employers to compensate for the costs of working at home, such as the Internet for example, remain exempt from tax up to 2.50 euros per day, or 580 euros per year.

Employees who have opted to deduct their actual expenses will be able to deduct them up to the same amounts.

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Finally, if you have children at school, you will be invited - at the end of the declaration - to check whether you are entitled to a scholarship using an online simulator.