Decoding Common Prosperity | Bai Chong'en: "Zero Distribution" can be introduced before the three distributions to promote common prosperity

  China News Service, March 5th (Shi Rui Liu Chao) Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's economic strength and comprehensive national strength have jumped to a new level, "settled" the position of the world's second largest economy, and achieved full completion on schedule. The goal of a moderately prosperous society and the fruits of economic development will benefit all the people. Once it is proposed, "common prosperity" has attracted wide attention from the society.

  At present, common prosperity has been "put on the agenda" in the "14th Five-Year Plan", but there are still some vague understandings about common prosperity in the society.

What exactly is common prosperity?

How can we achieve common prosperity?

How to balance fairness and efficiency?

In this regard, Zhongxin Finance interviewed Bai Chongen, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and dean of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University.

Data map: Bai Chongen, Dean of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Du Yang reporter: What do you think of the meaning of common prosperity?

Bai Chongen:

Common prosperity is our long-term goal. Any civilized society should strive to pursue common prosperity. The question is how to achieve common prosperity?

  In my opinion, common prosperity is four words, including both "common" and "prosperity".

On the one hand, we must consider the rationality of distribution, and on the other hand, we must also consider development. Without development, there will be no prosperity. Therefore, how to achieve high-quality and fair development is the proper meaning of common prosperity. reporter: In your opinion, what is the path for common prosperity?

Bai Chongen:

When discussing common prosperity, we usually refer to the three distributions. The initial distribution mainly reflects efficiency. The redistribution needs to balance fairness and efficiency. The third distribution is based on the principle of voluntariness.

Before the initial allocation, I think "zero allocations" can also be introduced.

Because in the primary distribution, who owns what factors will affect the distribution results, "zero distribution" is the distribution of various factors among different groups before entering production, taking into account both efficiency and fairness, and can more effectively realize opportunities Equality has a significant impetus for the realization of common prosperity. reporter: Can "zero-time distribution" be understood as paying more attention to the fairness of distribution?

Bai Chongen:


Intervening in the market to affect the primary distribution may affect the efficiency, or adjust it from the perspective of taxation in the secondary distribution, but we can distribute different elements more preemptively and fairly, so that the market players will get more benefits in the primary distribution. Fair income, the pressure of secondary distribution adjustment will be smaller. reporter: What elements do you think can be "zero-time allocation"?

Bai Chong'en:

One is the labor factor. Before entering production, differences in education level and identity will lead to differences in human capital among market entities. Equity in education will make everyone's future income opportunities relatively fair, and education depends on public policies. We It is possible to distribute educational resources to different groups of people more inclusively and equitably through "zero-time distribution".

  The other is the capital element. For example, in the initial stage of individual entrepreneurship, how to make people without capital obtain capital more equitably, which requires some reforms in the financial system to balance the opportunities for various groups to obtain capital through "zero-time distribution".

  The importance of data elements is now emphasized. In the past, we rarely discussed the definition and distribution of data ownership together. The digital economy is a particularly important trend. How to link this trend with common prosperity?

I think it's fairer to allow data contributors to benefit from "zero distribution", which is fairer than the existing model where platform companies collect data and gain all data benefits.

  In addition, ecological elements are also worthy of attention.

One measure to achieve the "dual carbon" goal (carbon peaking and carbon neutrality) is to trade carbon emission rights. If emission rights are regarded as an ecological element, emission rights can participate in "zero-time distribution".

When we assign emission rights to end users, users can obtain benefits by saving energy and selling emission rights, forming incentives, and ultimately achieving the effect of emission reduction.

Data map: Zheneng Jiaxing No. 1 Offshore Wind Farm.

Photo by Zhu Jiangyun reporter: Have you tried the "zero-time distribution" model in other countries before?

Bai Chongen:

I have never heard such a statement before. Everyone is discussing that market entities should have equal opportunities before the initial and redistribution, but the discussion on how to achieve equal opportunities is not systematic and insufficient.

  I put forward "zero-order distribution" in the hope that the goal of common prosperity and the major issues facing our country will be considered in a coordinated way. We will find that there are many opportunities here. The concept of "zero-order distribution" reflects a certain convenience. Efficiency and fairness are taken into account.
