Shanxi Evening News (Reporter Xin Ge) Taiyuan citizens transferred 1,000 yuan online to buy the Winter Olympics mascot "Bing Dun Dun", but did not want to be deceived.

On February 10, the Taiyuan Anti-Fraud Center released information to the society: Recently, there has been a high incidence of such police cases. In addition, scams related to Winter Olympics tickets, volunteers, ski tickets, etc. have also appeared one after another. Everyone must be vigilant.

  On February 8, a resident of Taiyuan, Wang Mou, saw in an online forum that someone could buy the Winter Olympics mascot "Bingdundun" on his behalf.

Later, Wang contacted the other party through WeChat, and after a brief exchange between the two, Wang transferred 1,000 yuan to the other party's designated Alipay account.

The money arrived, but the other party blocked Wang.

Here, the police remind the general public to consume rationally and not to buy at high prices from "scalpers" to avoid economic losses.

  In addition, the police remind the general public to pay attention to the following three types of fraud routines.

  Routine 1: Ticket buying trick.

Because many citizens are concerned about the issue of tickets for the Winter Olympics, criminals have started a "fishing mode" online.

Police said the Winter Olympics will not sell tickets publicly at all.

Therefore, anyone who sells tickets under the banner of "there are tickets" and "channels" is a liar. Don't be gullible!

  Routine 2: Volunteer deception.

"Congratulations on being selected as a volunteer for the Winter Olympics", "Guarding the Olympics, dialogue with the world, and cultivating international young talents"... Recently, some people have sent relevant fraudulent text messages to recruit "volunteers" from the society.

The criminals commit fraud on the grounds that "volunteers" need to pay accommodation and travel expenses in advance.

  Routine three: ski resort discount card fraud.

Recently, the general public has been frequently deceived when purchasing cheap ski tickets online.

According to the reports that have been received so far, most of them are fraudulent through Moments and WeChat transfers.

The crooks themselves do not have any ski cards in their hands, but they tempt people to make purchases by forging screenshots of Moments.

The police remind everyone to buy tickets from official channels as much as possible while participating in ice and snow sports!