The keyword most searched for by users in the second-hand trading application Carrot Market last year was 'bicycle'.

However, if you look closely by region, regional characteristics are clearly reflected in the search terms rankings.

For example, in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, luxury fashion brands such as 'Chanel', 'Hermes', and 'Louis Vuitton' were included in the top ranking.

According to Carrot Market, the keyword most searched for by users of this app when making second-hand transactions last year was 'bicycle', which was viewed approximately 27.22 million times.

Bicycle has been the most searched word for 7 consecutive quarters since it surpassed 'mask' in the second quarter of 2020 and climbed to the top spot.

After bicycle, the most searched for 'refrigerator' (13.86 million), 'camping' (13.27 million), 'chair' (12.69 million), and 'laptop' (12.55 million) That's it.

When looking at the ranking of major search terms, regional characteristics were evident.

In Gangnam-gu, Seoul, which has the highest subscription rate by region, Chanel and Hermes took first and second places with 485,000 and 323,000 views, respectively, beating bicycles (304,000).

'Louis Vuitton' came in fourth place with 266,000 cases.

This is interpreted as reflecting the high interest of users in the Gangnam area for the so-called 'Erusha' (Hermes, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel), which are representative luxury fashion brands.

In Jeju City, which has the 7th highest subscription rate by region, 'bicycle' and 'refrigerator' ranked first and second with 280,000 and 237,000, respectively, but 'fishing' reflecting island characteristics (228,000) ranked third. occupied.

In Gwanak-gu, Seoul, where there are many single-person households, 'laptop' and 'monitor' ranked 3rd and 4th respectively.

Gangnam-gu's second-hand trade users' interest in luxury brands was also confirmed at Lightning Market, another second-hand trading platform.

Last year, the keywords most searched by Gangnam-gu users, who made the most second-hand transactions at the lightning market last year, were 'Bangtan' and 'Louis Vuitton', which are the first letters of BTS, with about 32,000 and 27,000 searches, respectively. I did.

'Blind Files', a popular clothing brand among young people, followed with 21,000 cases.

In Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, which has the second largest trading volume, after bulletproof, 'iPhone' and Japanese cartoon 'Witchcraft Spin' were searched a lot, showing a contrast.

An industry official said, "Gangnam-gu is an area where highly economically active office workers and high-income consumers with high purchasing power are concentrated." said.