The annual economic report is one of the government's little-noticed papers.

In the estimates contained therein, the respective Federal Minister of Economics usually follows forecasts that have long been a consensus, and presents his policy for the umpteenth time.

Reading is only exciting after a change of office.

The new ministers then put their stamp on the report.

CDU Economics Minister Peter Altmaier came out with the clear message that he wanted to stabilize social security contributions below 40 percent.

Curbing redistribution corresponds to the idea of ​​the social market economy.

It is based on competition and personal responsibility and generates social security primarily through market income.

"Fair, social, ecological"

As is well known, Altmaier was not destined for much success.

The grand coalition was only able to stabilize social security contributions through debt-financed increasing grants to the social security funds - no sustainable financial concept.

Changing course here would be an urgent task for the traffic light, which feels committed to “sustainability”.

The Green Economics Minister Robert Habeck also has to make his contribution.

Does that work with the model that he prescribed for the social market economy?

Habeck wants a “sustainable economic model” that comprehensively takes into account the “planetary boundaries”.

In the annual economic report, therefore, new indicators are to measure progress on the way to "sustainable prosperity" in the sense of the Greens.

One can already guess what a wealth of new requirements for companies these indicators will entail.

On the other hand, commitments to growth, productivity and competition are only found in Habeck's report in a weakened and narrowly conditioned manner: trade only "fair, social, ecological and human rights".

Digitization "responsible, sustainable, inclusive", market prices only "without negative side effects".

If this distorted image of the social market economy prevails, willingness to perform and entrepreneurial spirit will have a hard time in Germany - and the hoped-for returns for the socio-ecological restructuring will not materialize.

The traffic light government could reach its financial limits faster than the planetary ones.

It should not then blame the economic model.