Energy prices are getting out of hand - and it's always the others' fault: the Russian suppliers, the energy-hungry Asians and, above all, the evil, expensive fossil fuels.

We should not forget that the increase in tariffs is politically intended so that commercial and private consumers switch to green alternatives, especially green electricity.

So it is quite absurd that the price of electricity is driven up by the EEG levy of all things.

It is long overdue to abolish it, but it does little and does not help those energy-intensive companies that are exempt from the levy.

If the state is serious about it, it must reduce all burdens, such as electricity or value added tax: the EEG surcharge accounts for only 11 points of the 41 percent levy on household electricity prices.

If you paid the pure electricity price and the network charges, 21 cents per kilowatt hour were enough.

Private households could live with that.

Nor would they be forced to deal with flimsy low-cost suppliers who are now going broke and leaving their customers out in the cold.