中新网南宁1月24日电 (林洁琪 黄文莲)广西农业机械化服务中心(以下简称广西农机中心)24日介绍,2018年以来,广西加快丘陵山区优势作物生产机械化发展,突破传统农业生产模式的“瓶颈”,先后组织实施了39个优势特色农作物生产机械化创新示范基地建设项目,培育农业机械化发展新动能。


肉鸽养殖自动投料设备。 广西农机中心供图



油茶果剥壳清选设备。 广西农机中心供图


  In response to problems such as high labor costs and "depending on the sky", Guangxi Agricultural Machinery Center continued to promote the mechanization of the primary processing of various advantageous and characteristic agricultural products such as camellia, persimmon, mangosteen, lychee, longan, and tea. By the end of 2021, Guangxi's various agricultural products There are 1.09 million sets of primary processing machinery. It is estimated that in that year, Guangxi machinery produced 26.04 million tons of agricultural products, 7.15 million tons of mechanically cleaned agricultural products, and 11.13 million tons of mechanically guaranteed agricultural products.

  At the same time, Guangxi Agricultural Machinery Center has introduced China Agricultural University, Nanjing Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and other universities, scientific research institutions and enterprises to establish workstations in Guangxi. Ute Industries produces machines and tools.

Rail conveyor tracks installed in the Alpine Tea Garden.

Photo courtesy of Guangxi Agricultural Machinery Center

  In order to promote the "machine replacement" in the production and transportation of special industries in hilly and mountainous areas, the Guangxi Agricultural Machinery Center has improved the enthusiasm of farmers to purchase machines through project demonstration and subsidy policy support for the purchase of agricultural machinery. Rapid growth, accumulatively subsidized 8,356 field rail transporters, and supported farmers to install 2,384 kilometers of orchard rail transporters.

  Jiang Yuande said that in the next step, the Guangxi agricultural machinery department will continue to promote the mechanization of the production of special industries in hilly and mountainous areas, improve the comprehensive production capacity of important agricultural products such as fruits, vegetables, livestock, sugar, etc., effectively meet market demand, strengthen policy support, cultivate business entities, and improve Guangxi's excellent quality. Special industry development quality, efficiency and competitiveness.
